
Workout Of The Day: How Beneficial It Is

You must have heard of Crossfit workout of the day. This refers to a type of workout that is prescribed by a trainer daily and usually everyone in the gym performs the same workout. Some of the Crossfit gyms also come with logs where people can log in to register results and compare with others.

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The workout of the day claims to mix gymnastics, weight lifting and sprinting. These exercises aim to improve the overall fitness domains: agility, accuracy, coordination, flexibility, power, endurance, strength, stamina and balance.

The exercises are generally pretty short and last for about 15-25 minutes. The workouts are sometimes set with fixed times and you are expected to repeat the exercises as many times within the given time frame. Sometimes the total number of repetitions and sets are prescribed and your aim must be to attain that in the shortest possible time.

You can start with the beginner's course, if the gym offers you that option. If they do not offer such option, you may go ahead even then, but you might experience a hard time in the first few workouts. The Crossfit trainer shall scale the exercises for you to fit your fitness quotient and requirements.

Here are offered some examples of the workout of the day:

• 100 Push Ups
• 100 Pull ups
• 100 Squats
• 100 Sit Ups

All these are done in the shortest possible time. People with best time can attain the results in less than 10 minutes, which is simply terrific.

Some of the workouts of the day have female names, such as:


• Pull ups
• 95 pound thrusters

It consists of three rounds with 21-15-9 reps, in as little time as possible.


• Run 400 meters
• 12 Pull ups
• 21 Kettlebell Swings

This is repeated for three rounds.

These are just some of the samples of Crossfit workouts. There are plenty of variations that you can find when you conduct a little bit of research. While some of the exercises focus on endurance, others mainly focus on power. Thus, you can get plenty of variations under this that takes care of different aspects of fitness.

So, now you must have got a fair enough idea about workout of the day. While the exercises look quite easy on paper, you need to try them out on your own to see how challenging these are. There is no reason for you to worry as the trainer shall help you all through the exercise regime and adjust the exercises to suit your fitness level and health.

The exercise regimens can be customized to fit the needs of the athletes. In fact the training sessions have become extremely popular among athletes and those looking forward to attaining and sustaining fitness through workout in the gym. For more information on fitness and exercises, you may browse online and benefit from the information provided online.

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