
Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss - Yummy and Low Calorie

Snacking is not as bad as you may think and hear on television. There are healthy "snacks" for weight loss that a person can enjoy. Most doctors and fitness trainers recommend a person have something to eat every couple of hours throughout the day. Eating every two to three hours, keeps a persons blood sugar level more stable throughout the day. If a person snacks a little at a time, they are not famished when a meal is served like lunch or dinner. They tend to not overeat with huge portions. This action alone will lower their calorie intake. Remember to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume.


When you are hungry, choose "snacks" that are high in fiber and that will digest slower. These type of foods stay with you longer. You will feel fuller. The foods to snack on should typically be less processed than their counterparts. Go for a more natural approach to snacking. The more natural tends to lean towards the healthier option anyways.

Good "snacks" are very easy to find such as a bowl of oatmeal, a blueberry oat bran muffin or fruits and vegetables. Other good snack options would be cheese, eggs, chicken and fish. Nuts are a great choice. Remember with nuts, the higher amount of fat in the nuts will make you feel fuller longer.

Be aware though nuts can be high in calories. Check the calorie count and watch your portion sizes. It is very easy to sit and snack on nuts one after the other and not realize how many you actually consumed. Peanuts for example are approximately one hundred and seventy calories for one quarter of a cup.

Do not choose "snacks" that are high in calories like candy bars, cookies or chips. Also snacks that are high in carbohydrates such as pretzels and bagels are not a very good choice. These type of snack foods do not stay with a person long. You will be feeling hungry quickly after consuming these. They are not good for you. If you must try the snack, go moderately and do not over do it. Sample the treat and move on to healthier options.

"Snacks" are not the enemy. However, by snacking sensibly every couple of hours a person can keep weight gain at bay. Choose the right type of healthy snacks to enjoy. The snacks should have more fiber and less carbs than the sugary sweets. When it is time for a meal, chances are you will not have the tendency to overeat.

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