
Is Cardio to Lose Weight Effective For Burning Fat?

Many people that start reading into how to lose weight run into some articles that say that cardio to lose weight is the best and most effective option out there. But is this actually true? Is it really the "best" solution for fat loss?

Cardio to Lose Weigh

To start, let me share something with you. I used to be obese back a while ago and it started back in middle school. In high school I decided to join cross country long distance running in an attempt to do cardio to lose weight. I started out freshman year running around 6-7 miles a day! And by senior year I was having twenty mile workouts that took hours!

But did I lose weight? The answer is yes. But it took much longer than I thought. After freshman year I only really lost a few pounds despite running many miles. And by junior year I had gotten in much leaner and better shape. But was this just because I was going through aging and getting rid of body fat?

I'll tell you, if you rely solely on cardio you are going to be taking much longer to lose anything. The reason is often because of the amount of calories that cardiovascular training burns.

Cardio to lose weight seems like a great idea but it often does nothing for removing fat. First off, all this exercise often makes us more hungry. And if we aren't following a diet of some type, we will eat! And much more of that. This extra calories then balances off with the exercise we are doing. As a result, we don't lose any fat. We get in shape and can run much longer but we don't lose any weight.

Now, cardio to lose weight will help you if you are very overweight as any exercise will help. But if you are just looking to get rid of thirty pounds, it may not be the best answer. The better answer is following a healthy diet and cutting calories. Exercise added to that will make you even more successful in your weight loss goals.

In addition, you should think about adding some sort of strength training workout system as well. Cardiovascular training is great as it burns fat while you are working out. BUT strength and resistance training will burn fat while you are resting as well. The best and most effective burning fat option is to combine this strength training with cardiovascular-like training and topped off with the most important part, your diet and cutting calories.

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