
Eating 1200 Calories a Day - Tips to Create a 1200 Calorie Diet Menu For Losing Weight Permanently

Calorie counting is directly related to weight loss. People actually seek the refuge of low calorie diet due to many reasons. Keeping aside the artificial methods such as weight loss surgery, tummy tuck and lipo dissolve etc, people think they are doing good to their body by opting for the natural method i.e., low calorie diet. But, the underlying fact is, you are taking efforts not to lose weight but to harm your body. However, 1200 calories a day is the lowest that a person can opt for without thinking about the future complications. However if a day diet menu contains the following food items then your body would be benefited to some extent.

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Eating 1200 calories would mean that your diet chart must contain the following food items:


. 1 Wheat toast
. 1 Cup coffee or tea
. 3/4 Cup of blueberries
. 1 Full glass of skimmed milk


. 1/4 Cup of cooked rice
. 1 Glass of butter milk
. Vegetable chowmein along with a lean beef
. You can even take fresh pineapple pieces


. Peas and fresh salad of fruits
. Small potato but baked and
. Baked chop of veal

Facts About 1200 Calorie Diet A Day:

* You cannot stick to this diet for a long time
* The metabolism rate of your body would get disturbed
* You body gets deprived of all the essential nutritional requirements
* You feel weak and dizzy

Thus if you want to lose weight permanently, then apart from this option you can even check out the following tips too:

* Know your body condition. If this 1200 calorie diet worked for your friend it may not work for you.

* You can opt for green tea during the day time

* Stick to the grazing method. In fact, you can avoid six full meals a day and opt for six half meals per day

* Opt for more calorie intake as it is helpful in increasing the metabolism rate and burns calories at a faster rate

* Drink 5 to 6 liters of water everyday in order to hydrate your body

* Avoid weight loss pills without any second thoughts

* Don't starve as it would affect the metabolism rate of your body

* Last but not the least; opt for exercises which would help you to burn the extra fats easily.

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