
4 Easy and Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Looking for easy and healthy ways to lose weight fast? Want to get rid of your ugly belly fat, boost your energy, and feel better... all at the same time? Give the powerful tips outlined below a try. They can help you lose several pounds quickly and in an easier, healthier way...

Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Fast

1. Do a "lemon juice" fast.

You can re-energize and detox your body -- and lose a few pounds quickly -- by simply going on a "lemon juice" fast for one, two, or three days. Simply drink nothing but fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice mixed with pure water throughout the day. Don't eat or drink anything else.

This is a great way to improve the way you feel by giving your body a break from digesting whole foods. It's also an effective, easy way to "jump-start" any fast weight loss program!

2. Try a "fruit, nut, and seed" diet.

Try eating nothing but fresh raw fruits, raw nuts, and raw seeds for a few days. This ultra-simple, easy-to-follow, and delicious "caveman diet" is a great way to give you body a break from meat, sugar, and processed foods. Raw fruits, nuts, and seeds provide almost all the nutrients you need. Add a good daily multivitamin as well as a quality omega-3 fat supplement to cover all your bases.

This easy fast weight loss diet is so effective that many people stay on it for a week or more. As an added bonus, many people find that their cravings for processed junk foods practically disappear while they're on the diet!

3. "Soak" yourself in water and green tea.

Whenever you're trying to lose a few pounds fast, you should be drinking large amounts of water and sugar-free green tea. In fact, these are pretty much the only beverages you should drink. Water helps to control hunger, boost the metabolism, and allow your body to flush out dangerous toxins. Try to drink at least a gallon of pure water per day.

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages in the world. It contains antioxidants and other powerful nutrients that help your body burn fat in a faster, healthier way. Drink normal caffeinated versions before exercising for a strong fat-burning boost. Drink mainly "decaf" versions during other times of the day.

4. Rotate your carbs.

One of the easiest -- yet most effective -- ways to keep your metabolism "off balance" and burning fat is to rotate your carbohydrate intake. Many bodybuilders and fitness models use this powerful technique to lose extra body fat and stay lean for long periods of time.

A simple example of "carb rotation" is a diet that involves no starchy carbs (e.g. breads, cereals, potatoes, etc.) for 3 days and then on day 4 several servings of starches are consumed. Doing this keeps your body from adapting and storing fat, while also helping you avoid the hunger and "carb cravings" that often accompany typical low-carb diets.

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