
What Are My 3 Best Exercise Tips For Burning Most Calories and Losing Belly Fat?

1. Tip - Machines gives you the comfortable and safety way to burn fat! However machines are not as effective as free weights. Basic exercises with free weights, like squad, chin-ups, deadlifts, clean and press, will stimulate the larger number of muscles than machines even if the movement is performed as through the same range of motion. So if possible, work with free weights instead of machines, basic exercises with free weights burns the most calories and are best exercises to lose belly fat!
best exercise

2. Tip - Ab exercises are the best exercise to lose belly fat! Not quite! Ab exercise is not the best exercises to lose belly fat, not even the advisable for losing belly fat! Yes, it can improve your abdominal muscles, but it is very ineffective exercise for losing belly fat, because you are working with the smaller muscles in the body! The larger the muscle and the number of muscle are working together, which in turn burns the most calories and more belly fat!

3. Tip - A regular aerobic exercise burns the most fat! That is partially true. Doing a slow and long (30-60 min.) aerobic session, will burn the most fat from the fat storages. But there are a one huge drawback in a regular aerobic exercise. Your body will easily get adapted to the same workout, which in turn will have you burning fewer calories with each exposure. Instead try some Interval cardio exercise. Your body won't get adapted and it will be far more effective way to burn calories, than a regular and boring aerobic exercise.

Alternate the intensity between high and low. For example 5min running, 2min walking, 5min running, 2min rest. That will keep your workout more interesting and you can always decide, what suites best for you! Now for the best exercise combination that burns most calories, I recommend, that you add some strength training exercises into your interval cardio routine if possible, like 10min treadmill, 2min rest, 3x squat exercises, 2 min rest, etc. You will double the results and you will boost your resting metabolism after the exercise routine. Imagine to burn more calories, when you are watching TV!

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