
Summer Weight Loss - Be the Hottest Babe at the Beach With a Great Summer Weight Loss Plan!

This year, this time, you're going to finally look forward to bathing suit season. If you start now, and you stick to your weight loss program, you'll be poolside in a bikini, showing off your hot "bod" all summer long! Here are a few of our favorite summer weight loss tips. Comb through these, and we'll see you at the beach!
summer weight loss

1. Take advantage of spring seasonal foods.
Broccoli, spinach, new potatoes, snow peas and asparagus are at their freshest from March to May - so make sure to add them to your daily menu. Apricots, avocado, strawberries, and mango ripen in the spring as well. There's no need to skimp on the taste with all these delicious foods in season.

2. Make cardio workouts a part of your day.
Jogging, power walking, aerobics classes, and even dance classes are perfect for that summer goddess frame. Make sure to get your heart pumping for 30 -45 full minutes each day. And for an extra calorie burner, if you live near the beach, take your walk in the sand - the additional effort will get those pounds melting off.

3. Tighten up those abs.
No woman wants her gut to ooze out of her swimsuit. There are plenty of other ways to lose that tummy besides doing sit-ups. Try leg lifts, exercise ball crunches, torso twists and other innovative ways to strengthen the abdominal area.

4. Give your swimsuit a workout!
That's right! Hop into that bikini, even in the depths of winter, and head to your local indoor pool for a swim at least twice a week. Swimming laps is a great calorie burner, and the water resistance will help you tone the entire body. What even more cool is that your bathing suit will fit like a second skin by the time summer rolls around!

5. Drink lots of water.
You should down about 100 ounces per day of water. Cut back on the soda, diet drinks, smoothies, and coffee. Not only will water help you lose weight, giving you that extra energy boost for your workouts, it'll make your skin smooth, healthy, and young for the summer.

6. Set weekly weight goals.
You want to lose 30 pounds by Memorial Day weekend? Great! But you're more likely to get there if you take it week by week, instead of freaking out because you haven't lost 30 pounds every time you get on the scale. Put your weight loss goals in your personal planner, and set your schedule accordingly.

7. Exercise your willpower.
So many of us think we have no will power when it comes to eating, but, really, we do. If tap into that will power, we can get rid of the "junk in the trunk" while still enjoying the things we love. Don't sit there and obsess while everyone else is having dessert. Ask for a fork, and take exactly two bites. You'll enjoy it so much more than if you withhold that pleasure, than choking down a whole piece in front of the fridge at midnight because you feel deprived.

8. Get inspired.
Every year, in the depths of winter, Sports Illustrated and other magazines catering to men come out with swimsuit issues. Those women look great, don't they? Buy a copy, tear out some of the pictures and hang them up where you need the most inspiration, near the scale, on the fridge, or on the pantry door. Put one on the mirror in the bathroom or right on your alarm clock, so you don't go back to sleep when the alarm goes off extra early for that morning exercise session!

9. Treat yourself in other ways.
Let's say you get one of those caloric coffee confections every morning before work - but now you can't, because you want to take off the weight for summer. Why not use that money for something nice for yourself? Get a massage at the local spa. Buy a second swimsuit for that hot body you'll be showing off.

Be among the few women this year that will actually lose weight and live longer, healthier lives.

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