
Proper Diet For Six Pack Abs - 3 Foods to Include

Getting and following a proper diet for six pack abs is actually a lot easier than you might think. People like to overcomplicate a proper diet for six pack abs by turning you into some kind of calorie calculator, scrutinising every product you buy at the supermarket, but it really doesn't have to be like that. In fact it's that kind of overscrutinising that contributes to people breaking their diets and leaving them all together.

proper diet

Some of the faddy diets seem like they are designed to fail, in order that you'll keep coming back to the diet company looking for the latest "miracle" diet for six pack abs.

To get great six pack abs, these diets just don't cut it, as they focus more on "weight loss", whereas we're looking for muscle GAIN and fat LOSS. Fortunately, there are simple straightforward and easy-to-use proper diets for six pack abs.

The core philosophy behind these diets is to actually eat MORE often and not less. This may sound strange as it goes against the usual "deprivation" strategy which is at the heart of most of the bog-standard diets on the market.

Deprivation techniques DON'T work because your body thinks it is starving and therefore goes into survival mode by slowing down your metabolism so that you don't burn so much fat - the complete opposite of what we actually want to happen. This is why many people report a sudden lose of weight in the first few days of a diet and then a slowing down or plateau, ultimately ending up with an extra few pounds gained. It will also slow down your muscle growth, and can even contribute to them shrinking - not something we want when trying to get rock hard six pack abs.

A proper diet for six pack abs will do the opposite of this by boosting your metabolism, along with your workout program. A proper diet for six pack abs can broadly fall into 2 categories, both of which will be used to achieve the ultimate six pack abs.

The first category involves the "bulking up" period - this is where you are focusing on building and growing your abs through an intense exercise workout, and feeding them the right foods to get them to grow fast. Typically this is where you'll be consuming the most calories as you're feeding your muscles.

The second category is the "cutting period" where we reduce our calorie intake in order to begin the shredding process, to get the "cut" and "chiseled" look we all know and love.

In a proper diet for six pack abs, you typically be eating 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. All meals should be spaced between 2 and 4 hours apart, and your first meal should occur within 20 minutes of waking up time.

3 Essential Foods In A Proper Six Pack Abs Diet

- Green Fibrous Vegetables - super healthy and virtually fat free. You can't get enough of these fantastic fat burners.

- Oatmeal - a very low GI, slow release food that it jam-packed with energy. A bowl for breakfast will keep you going like nothing else.

- Lean Free Range Organic Chicken Breast - an excellent source of protein, this low fat meat goes fantastically well green vegetables.

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