
Muscle Building For Skinny Guys Tips and Tricks

Do you want to know all about muscle building for skinny guys, without any hype? Read this article to find out how. Trying to build muscle for anyone is a hard and slow process. This process becomes even worse for skinny guys. The main reason for this is down to your metabolism; in order to build muscle you must be in a calorie surplus. If not there is no energy to build muscle. It is like trying to light a fire with no wood, there is nothing to produce a fire with.

muscle building

Muscle Building Diet For Skinny Guys

In order to get into a calorie surplus you must get enough calories into you. This is a big task because your metabolism usually burns them before your muscles get a chance to use them. This is not to say that it cannot be done, far from it. The best way to start your muscle building diet is to start keeping a food diary. Sometimes people do not realize how much they are eating (or not eating in your case). Therefore a food diary will enable you to spot any areas where you are not eating enough.

You should be aiming to log 6 meals a day into this food diary. A piece of toast and a banana does not represent a meal. If you are pushed for time a shaker filled with protein powder, full fat milk, oats and olive oil. Will provide a nice calorie dense and anabolic alternative. Do not fall for overpriced meal replacement supplements. Also try to eat as much healthy calorie dense foods such as whole wheat bread, pasta, lean meats, fish, nuts, olive oil and other healthy fats.

Muscle Building Workouts For Skinny Guys

The first thing you need to do, is less cardio training. Just do enough for heart health and fitness, but no more as we want to keep the calories for your muscles. Also do not go trying traditional bodybuilding workouts, working one muscle group per session. The volume is far to much for your body's genetics, you will not gain muscle this way. It may work for bodybuilders with great genetics but for the average person, it won't work.

Studies and tests have shown that skinny guys react best to high frequency and lower volume per muscle group, per session. Therefore full body workouts 3 times a week work great for hard-gainers. You could also try 4 days a week utilizing an upper and lower split, which may give you better results.

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