
Medifast Weight Loss - Can You Really Lose 20 Lbs in 30 Days Following the Medifast Program?

Right around the time we were all making New Year's resolutions to lose weight, Medifast started running advertising suggesting that you can lose 20 lbs in 30 days on Medifast. Since that probably sounds really unbelievable to lots of folks, I thought I'd share my own Medifast weight loss experience. Everyone has a unique experience, but hopefully mine will give you an idea of what you can expect.

Medifast Weight Loss

Lose 20 lbs in 30 Days

Firstly, the advertising is correct -- to a degree. Medifast was originally designed for folks who have a substantial amount of weight to lose. So the more weight you need to lose, the more likely it is you'll lose 20 lbs in a month. When I first started Medifast, I had over 100 lbs to lose, and during my first month I actually did a bit better than 20 lbs. I lost just about 23 lbs. Over three months I lost a total of 55 lbs. So not goal weight yet, but it has certainly made a big difference.

Now, if you only have 20 lbs to lose total, then I don't think you'll get rid of it all in a month. Usually, the less weight you have to lose to reach your goal weight, the slower that weight comes off. The more you weigh, the higher your calorie needs are to sustain that weight. So a 140 lb person and 240 lb person both following a diet of about 1000 calories a day are not going to be burning the same amount of calories just to get through a typical day.

This also explains why, often, very heavy people will have a few months of rapid weight loss, but then as they get closer to goal weight, things start to get frustrating because the weight doesn't move as quickly. It's because your smaller body simply doesn't expend as much energy just carrying itself around. That's the time to start moving and get some exercise into your plan.

That said, it's pretty easy to lose at least 10 lbs a month on Medifast and there are some tips you can follow to get you closer to that magical 20 lbs in a month figure.

My main tip to get you that kind of success is to follow the plan. I'm not just talking about obvious stuff like not cheating though. I think one of the biggest factors to success is making sure you only have one Medifast bar per day and that you fit in all of your meals. If for some reason, you had to skip a meal because of work or something, make yourself a double meal. Keeping your calories at the maximum level for Medifast will help keep your weight loss from stalling.

As for the Medifast bars, the reason you want to stick to just one per day is that they have more carbohydrates than other Medifast foods. Since one of the reasons Medifast works so well and so quickly is the mild ketosis you'll be in due to carb reduction, you want to make sure you don't accidentally kick your body out of ketosis by consuming too many carbs.

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