
How to Get Big Muscles - 3 Simple Tips to Supercharge Your Growth

When it comes to learning how to get big muscles, a lot of guys fall into the trap of thinking more is better. A lot of routines have people working hours on end for 5 and 6 days a week. This is just plain overkill and it's never going to work to get you bigger. Here's how to turn around your routine and finally learn how to get big muscles.
how to get big muscles

Tip 1
Work out less. Instead of 4 and 5 days, cut your workouts to just 3 days a week. You don't need to kill your muscles into submission for growth, you just need to expose them to more stress than you did last time. This is enough to cause them to grow larger.

Tip 2
In the same vein, only lift for a maximum of 10 reps. If you go over 10 reps, you start to work out your slow twitch muscle fibers, which have very little opportunity to grow larger. Keeping it at 10 reps ensures you target your fast twitch fibers and ensure maximum growth.

Tip 3
Eating and recovery are key. Your muscles aren't made in the gym. If they were, you could just lift heavy and go home. But muscles are made when you rest and recover. They need plenty of calories to grow larger. Spending less wasteful time in the gym means they have more calories and energy to actually grow back bigger and stronger.

Use these tips for how to get big muscles and start seeing real results in the gym.

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