
How to Get Big Biceps - 3 Exercises to Get Massive Bulging Biceps

When trying to build muscle one of the first places we look to increase is the size of our biceps. Big biceps rule, plain and simple. When we see a guy with big ripped biceps we instantly know that this is a guy you don't want to mess with...his big "guns" mean that his arm strength is something special.

If you want to know how to get big shirt-ripping biceps and see those admiring looks, then follow the 3 exercises below to kick-start your muscle gains and get huge guns.

But first a word of advice...

The secret to gaining muscle mass and building big biceps is in lifting heavy weights for lower reps. Doing hundreds of reps on a low weight will not get you big strong biceps as quickly as performing less reps on a gradually heavier and heavier weight.

How To Get Big Biceps - Exercise #1 - Standing Barbell Curls

Stand holding a weighted barbell with both hands in an underhand grip. Keeping your upper arms tight against your sides and elbows in a fixed position, lift the weight by rotating your forearms and "curling" it up. Then slowly lower the bar back to the start position making sure to keep your upper arms in a fixed position at your sides.

Repeat for 2 sets of 6-10 reps.

Be sure to isolate the tension and effort in the biceps to see maximum gains and help you to get big biceps faster. Don't bend your back or use your body to generate momentum...I see a lot of guys do this in the gym, but all their doing is reducing the effectiveness of the exercise and increasing their chances of injury.

How To Get Big Biceps - Exercise #2 - Alternate Hammer Curls

Hold a weighted dumbbell in each with an underhand grip, and upper arms at your sides similar to the barbell curl above.

Lift the dumbbells so that they are in the flexed position. This is your start position. From here lower the right hand dumbbell, then lift it back to the start position. Repeat with the left hand, and keep alternating like this.

The beauty of this exercise is that your biceps are constantly flexed throughout the whole exercise. This will boost your muscle gains massively.

Repeat for 2 sets of 6-10 reps on each arm.

How To Get Big Biceps - Exercise #3 - Preacher Hammer Curls

Sit on a preacher bench with your arms on top. Grab a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inwards towards each other. At the same time curl both dumbbells upward as if you are trying to touch each shoulder with the tip of each dumbbell. Then lower back to the start position.

Repeat for 2 sets of 6-10 reps.

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