
Fruit and Vegetable Detox Diet - Tips to Lose Weight Fast

A fruit and vegetable detox diet is one of the healthiest ways I have found to lose weight fast while eating a lot of fresh delicious food.

The speed at which the weight comes off is encouraging and will help you stick with the detox program.

Fruit and Vegetable Detox Diet

Here are a few tips that helped me be successful and lose over 10 pounds in 2 weeks with the fruit and vegetable cleanse.

1. Watermelon is your best friend

Watermelon or any other melon (like cantaloupe, honeydew, etc) is the first thing you want to eat each day. It is super cleansing and has great fiber too so it will help keep you full. Melons also have a high water content so you will get lots of healthy hydration and it also helps flush out the toxins from your body.

2. Fresh Seasonal Fruit

You can eat fruit all day long. The more you eat it the more you will love it. Step out and experiment with new fruits that you maybe have not tried before that are in season. There are so many delicious ones to try. You truly can't get bored. You can eat them plain (by themselves) or you can make a colorful exciting fruit salad by throwing together some fresh pineapple, bananas, grapes, strawberries, and any other fruits that sounds good to you.

3. Smoothies are life savers

Fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies (especially green smoothies) are fantastic for keeping you satisfied when doing this plan. Detox smoothies are great for dinner or even for a dessert if you are craving something sweet.

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