
Foods To Lose Weight - Breakfast Meals

Are you in a timed situation and really need to lose weight fast?

foods to lose weight

Do you have an upcoming reunion or party to go to? Are you ashamed of your physique and the awkward stares and side conversations about you? Tired and frustrated with the lack of results? Do something about it!

If you're like most, weight loss has been an ongoing struggle you've been dealing with for some time. It can be frustrating and in some ways depressing. Coming up short on improving the way that you look and feel about yourself along with your personal health can really be saddening. So much that it affects your self-confidence, relationships with others, and in some cases your finances.

I've taken some time to really think hard and long about creating a solution to this problem and I believe that I've found the answer. As with any weight loss plan, a diet is a crucial element to your success. Creating nutritional balance is my approach and below are some of the suggested meal plans that you can incorporate in your day to really beginning the process of rapid weight loss.

All of them are easy-to-follow step-by-step diet changes. Most of which will help you to cut around 100 calories or more per serving. If you're having any trouble with making sense of this think of it in this way.

Say you eat a single serving at minimum three times a week. At the worse you could cut 300 calories total a week times 52 weeks and you're looking at 15,600 calories or close to five pounds (100 x 3 x 52= 15,600 calories/5 pounds). That figure is just from your food intake. Imagine if you exercised!


Do not skip breakfast. A solid breakfast is the most critical aspect of any healthy weight loss plan. It will jump-start your energy level and get your metabolism moving at a really high rate which will help to burn calories.

Scrambled egg whites with broccoli and mushrooms

Nutritional savings: 40 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 100 milligrams of cholesterol

This is a low-fat alternative to scrambled eggs which provides 54 grams of quality protein in only 255 calories. To begin, simply spray a frying pan with fat-free cooking spray. Next, pour four servings of Eggology, Second Nature, or Egg Beaters egg whites in a bowl and mix with ½ cup of broccoli and ½ cup of your favorite mushrooms. Wait until your pan is warm and the cooking spray begins to bubble. Last pour your mixture into the pan and fry until fully solid.

Toasted plain bagel served with all natural jam

Clearly a frozen bagel is no competition to a fresh one but I've found a medium that I'm hopeful you'll found reasonably tasteful as well as healthy. A plain bagel and an all natural jam and there you go. As simple as it sounds to prepare there is actually some really significant nutritional value in this breakfast food. Expect to save in the range of 160 to 360 calories and more than 10 grams of fat compared to some of the more elaborately designed bagels served as specialty stores.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is no different for weight loss. Thinking smart and creating tasty and healthy options is the key to your success. As you've found out in this article there are several different easy-to-follow options that are easy on the wallet and most importantly easy on your body. Now that you've identified some solid breakfast choices, lunch, dinner, desert, and snacks are next!

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