
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Tips - 3 Super Quick Shortcuts to Help You Lose Weight With Calorie Shifting

In this article we are going to take a quick look at 3 shortcuts that will help you lose weight on the fat loss 4 idiots diet. If you are anything like most people trying to lose weight, not only are you looking for a diet that works, but one that works FAST, and with minimum pain! Calorie shifting, the principle behind the famously popular Fat loss 4 idiots program, fits the bill to the "T"! Continue reading as we take a quick look below at how to SUPERCHARGE your results when "shifting"! Read on.
Fat Loss

Tip #1: Use the Online Menu Generator

Many folks who get started on fl4i simply follow the diet program itself, WITHOUT actually using the online menu generator. I find this VERY perplexing? The menu generator will give you a COMPLETE 11 day diet plan to follow, based around YOUR food choices! Why not use it for EXACTLY what it was designed to do? If you aren't doing this, it's a good time to start, right now!

Tip #2: Don't Binge on Your 3 Day Break

In between each 11 day cycle, we're given 3 full days to "cheat" with whatever foods we want to eat! Good stuff, right? I agree....but DON'T over do it! So many shifters eat WAY too much on their cheat days, and wonder WHY they've put back on pounds they lost one week earlier! Don't do this, and you'll see YOUR body shape up FAR faster than before!

Tip #3: Timing is INDEED Everything

Keep the appropriate amount of time between meals while shifting! This is a big component of the science behind the diet, and you need to trust in the system to REALLY get the best results. This means, wait 2 or 3 hours between meals....and remember, ALWAYS mix and match meals while shifting!

Remember - if you HAVEN'T been able to lose weight's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!

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