
Eat 100 Calories Per Day Less and Lose Weight

As little as 100 calories daily can make the difference between gaining weight or losing unwanted pounds. By encouraging people to reduce that amount in their daily diets could be a very manageable way to win the fight against obesity. One pound of weight gained is the equivalent to 3500 calories. 90% of the population is consuming more calories daily then what the body needs.
100 calories

Finding 100 calories that can be reduced is not a difficult task, in fact it is rather easy. Here are several tips to reduce the calorie intake, and by picking just one tip for each meal, 100 calories will be eliminated daily.


  • Use nonfat or 1% milk instead of whole milk.
  • Eat one half of a bagel instead of a whole bagel.
  • Use 100% all fruit spreads instead of jams that are sugar rich.
  • Use non-stick pans and substitute cooking spray for butter to prepare eggs.
  • Select Canadian bacon or lean ham in place of sausage or bacon.
  • Order a latte with non-fat milk instead of a regular latte with whole milk.


  • Drink water instead of soda.
  • Instead of cheese, use tomato, lettuce, onions, and pickles on sandwiches.
  • Eat a slice of pizza with grilled chicken instead of pepperoni or sausage toppings.
  • When ordering a salad, hold the croutons.
  • Prepare tuna salad using tuna packed in water instead of oil and use fat free mayonnaise.
  • Hold the cheese on the burger and hold the fries, choose a side salad as a replacement.


  • Substitute more vegetables such as zucchini, green peppers, onions, and mushrooms in spaghetti sauce instead of meat.
  • Make appetizers, casseroles, and pizza with half of the cheese.
  • Use fat free sour cream in recipes instead of regular.
  • Instead of regular salad dressings use 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar for every 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  • Trim all of the fat off of beef, pork, and chicken.
  • Instead of frying chicken and fish, bake, broil, or grill. Experiment with different spice rubs to use.
  • Eat portions of meat that are about the size of a deck of cards and eat a bigger serving of salad with low fat dressing.
  • Season steamed vegetables with lemon and herbs instead of butter.

Beverages and Desserts

  • Choose 100% fruit juice over those high in sugar.
  • Add 100% fruit juice to iced tea instead of sugar to sweeten.
  • Choose lite beer over regular and limit to 1 or 2.
  • Use seltzer or sparkling water instead of tonic or sodas in mixed drinks.
  • Trade 1 cup of ice cream for a half cup of ice cream topped with a cup of sliced strawberries.
  • Choose fresh fruits in season for dessert.
  • Use sliced fruits or crushed berries instead of icing on cakes.
  • Share your dessert with someone.

The biggest tip of all that can be for all meals is to just simply reduce the portion size. Try using smaller plates, bowls, and glasses while limiting the servings to just one. When at a fast food restaurant avoid "super sized", stick to the regular size meal.

These are just some of the many ways to eliminate calories form the daily diet. If you notice there was nothing really drastic here, there are ways to eat healthier and still enjoy pizza and ice cream. But in order to effectively lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight, exercise needs to play a role as well. Take the stairs more often, play in the yard with the kids, and take a 20 minute walk after dinner is a great start.

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