
Build Muscle and Lose Fat - Yes it is Possible, I'll Show You How

Believe it or not, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time. With how difficult if can be to build muscle or lose fat alone, it seems unbelievable that you can do both at once. After all, how many diets and workout programs with one goal fail, never mind two?

Build Muscle

The reality is that a good training and diet plan designed to build muscle and lose fat actually works better then trying to achieve one goal at a time. A properly designed program will use diet and workouts to change the body's metabolism, so as the exercise of the workout burns off the fat, new calories go into building muscle, farther than replacing lost fat.

The two places most programs can fail to build muscle and lose fat are diet and overwork. The problem is that everyone knows that if you want to lost fat you need to cut calories and exercise. But if you want to put on muscle you need to eat extra calories, and have plenty of downtime as well between workouts.

The best programs balance these contradictions by eating healthy and working out smarter.

Keep in mind that the extra calories you eat for muscle building are going to get burned up by the workouts, and are the building blocks for that muscle. So good programs to build muscle and lose fat include diets that have exactly the calories you need, from healthy foods and lots of proteins.

Remember also that while you need downtime between workouts (that's when the muscle is actually built); downtime doesn't mean your not working. A good program will offer ways to keep up your progress in losing fat during the down time while your muscles are building.

There are lots of challenges if you are going to build muscle and lose fat, but those challenges aren't impossible to over come. If you have a good training program, a good diet, and commitment, you'll be surprised how simple it can be. It takes work, but with the right choices, you won't believe how quickly you see results!

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