
Best Way to Lose Weight - Water Therapy For Weight Loss

When trapped in a lost island, you can survive several days without food but you can't live without water. That's just how important it is for the body. Experts' studies show that our body is made up of 75% water. That is why when we are thirsty, it is always best to replace the lost fluids with water.

Water Therapy For Weight Loss

Water is indeed a gift to mankind. Not only do we use it in our everyday lives but it can also be an aid in keeping our bodies healthy. It keeps us hydrated all the time making it good for the skin and for the digestive system. It helps the digestive system to function properly as it eliminates toxins and wastes, making the metabolism faster. Taking it can also suppress cravings. It is therefore a great aid for weight loss.

So how is water therapy for weight loss done? First is by taking warm lemon water in the morning. As the name implies, it is really just water mixed with lemon juice. It is perfect for a morning drink as it makes bowel movements easier and more comfortable. Another way is a famous one: drinking 4-6 glasses of water upon waking up and taking only breakfast after 45 minutes.

Water therapy indeed has a lot of health benefits. But then again, proper weight management still needs more than that. If combined with a balanced diet and some muscle-stretching and strength training, overall fitness and a great relationship with oneself can be achieved.

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