
A Simple Training Tweak To Supercharge Your Fat Burning Results

If you really want to see the best possible results from the time that you invest in your training, it's time to really zero in and take a closer look at things.

Fat Burning

While any form of exercise will burn calories and it's creating a calorie deficit at the end of the day that's going to bring along fat loss results, not all exercise is created equally.

Not All Exercises Are Created Equal
Some forms of exercise will give you a moderate calorie burn. These methods will help you lose weight, but aren't exactly going to get you there in record time.

Finally, there are other forms of exercise that are going to take your current calorie burn and shoot it through the roof.

Burn Baby Burn!!
Not only will you burn hundreds of calories while doing those forms of exercise but you're going to cause the body to continue to burn off hundreds of calories after you're done as well.

Fat Loss Accelerator: Circuit Training
Now let's look at an effective technique that you can use to help accelerate your fat loss results. That technique is circuit training.

We're Going Back to Back
Circuit training is where you're going to perform a series of exercises back to back with little to no rest in between, performing one set of each exercise.

Once the entire circuit has been completed, then you are to take a short 2-3 minute rest break and then carry on going through the circuit for another time through.

Circuit training is another excellent way to provide some clear cardiovascular benefits as you go about your strength workout as your heart is going to be elevated the entire way through.

Get In, Get It Done, Get Out
In addition to that, those who are short on time will also really benefit from including circuit training into the mix, as this is ideal for time pressed workout sessions.

The two important points that you need to remember when implementing circuit training into your workout routine is that you should make sure that you're still lifting a heavy enough weight to fully challenge yourself.

Don't Make This Simple Mistake
This is quite possibly the biggest mistake that some people make as they go about their workout routine when using the circuit training approach.

As soon as they realize that they're going to be moving from exercise to exercise as fast as they possibly can, they lighten the load to prevent the build-up of fatigue.

Often, as they do this they're also going to be increasing the total reps performed as well.

This light-weight, high rep training is not going to bring about nearly the same hormonal response from the workout session as heavier weight, lower rep training will, therefore this needs to be avoided.

The Sweet Spot
Keep the weight heavier and keep the rep range to 8-10 reps instead.

This will still allow you to get a great calorie burn from the workout session as you'll be working the muscles to the point of exhaustion and shortening up the rest period between the sets.

It's that short rest period with constant work throughout the circuit training that is the real reason that you see the metabolic response from these workouts, so that should be your primary focus anyway.

Work The Whole Body
Circuit training workouts are always going to be best performed as full body workout sessions, so avoid doing just movements for the upper or lower body only.

Instead, stack upper and lower body exercises together so that you seamlessly move from one to the next.

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