
A Few Simple Ideas to Help Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Chances are if you haven't heard out of control cholesterol increase a person's chances of heart attack or stroke you probably have been stranded on a desert island somewhere. Despite the plethora of information and warnings about high cholesterol and the many informational articles written on how to lower cholesterol naturally, high cholesterol is still a serious health concern. In this article titled "Simple Ideas to Lower Cholesterol Naturally" we will briefly cover a few facts about cholesterol and then move on to a few simple idea to reduce cholesterol naturally.

LDL is referred to a bad cholesterol and HDL is considered to be good cholesterol. It is currently suggested that a person's total blood cholesterol be less than 200mg/dl. Additionally, it is recommended that the LDL cholesterol level be less than 130mg/dl and HDL levels greater than 35 mg/dl. Ideally the LDL to HDL level should be no higher than 2.5.

For those with very high cholesterol levels the numbers above are simply goals that should be achieved over the long term through diet modification, lifestyle, and perhaps with the help of a statin medication or a natural statin alternative supplement. Most experts agree that a baby step approach is the most sustainable formula to lowering cholesterol levels. Now let's move on to a few simple steps to lower cholesterol naturally.

If your breakfast consists of eggs, sausage, and franks cooked in butter along with unfiltered coffee and a couple of cigarettes you will be fighting an uphill battle against this condition. All of the above foods, beverage, and smoking deserts should be consumed in extreme moderation; if at all. A good general rule of thumb is to reduce animal products as well as alternatives to butter. Smoking is also a no-no and should be avoided for a myriad of health related reasons.

Once you have reduced animal products you will need to fill this void with something, right! A smart choice here would be to fill the void with fiber rich plants foods such as vegetables, grains such as brown rice, and nuts. Additionally, avocados contain a meager 0.5 gram of saturated fat with the rest being cholesterol lowering monosaturated fatty acids along with other fats that don't raise cholesterol levels. Oatmeal is another excellent choice since avocados and brown rice may not see like the best choice for breakfast.

Ok, let's say for years you have been having eggs, sausage, franks, and gravy for breakfast and have packed on a few extra pounds to go along with your skyrocketing cholesterol levels. It is time to take off that excess weight. The numbers tell the story. Being as little as 20 percent can create serious health concerns. The diet modification plan above will go a long way in this regard, and if you were to throw in a dash of moderate exercise, who knows how quickly those extra pounds would disappear.

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