
10 Minute Workout Routine For Losing Fat - Is it Possible to Lose Weight in 10 Mins?

10 minute workout routine for losing fat was formulated to help people flawlessly fit their workout regimen to their busy schedule. It is a quick way of maximizing the benefits of your workout. You might ask, if it is really possible to lose weight in 10 minutes, that is for you to find out.

Workout Routine

Start by stretching for one minute followed by cardio either do 50 jumping jacks or use a jumping rope for a minute. Stretching lessens muscle fatigue. Cardio will kick-start your metabolism and will help to effectively pump blood all over the body.

Get 2-3 pounds of weights. Do squats with bicep curls and overhead military press. Start by squatting like sitting in a chair; keep knee over your ankle to avoid injury, as you squat start curling your biceps, and as you stand do one overhead military press; keep breathing. Do 10-12 reps for 3 sets for about a minute.

One minute cardio: next exercise is hamstring curls with chest press. A fitness ball and dumbbells will be needed. Lie on the flat on the floor; put both feet on the ball, dumbbells on both hands. Raise your arms pointing to the ceiling; slowly raise your lower body and move the ball forward using your feet then curl back; make one chest press. Repeat steps; do 10-12 reps for 3 sets for a minute.

One-minute cardio: next exercise is elbow plank with leg raise. Lie on the mat and rest on your forearms, palms should be flat on the floor. Push up raise your toes and rest on your elbows; keep a flat back maintain a straight line from the head to heel. Keep your abdominals contracted and start raising one leg holding for at least 3 seconds each. Hold position for a minute.

Do cardio for a minute followed by stretching for one minute and cool down for one minute.

Here is your 10 minute workout routine for losing fat. Theoretically, losing fat within 10 minutes is impossible but you surely did burn a lot of calories and fat in 10 minutes since each exercise targets multiple muscles all at the same time.

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