
What Everybody Ought To Know About Food for Building Muscle

There is much more to building muscle than hitting the gym. Nearly as important as the time spent lifting weights is making sure you eat the correct foods and the correct amount. To better understand how these two go together, consider what is happening to your muscle tissue as you lift weights. By lifting heavy weight you tear your muscle fibers. During the recover stage these fibers are rebuilt thicker and stronger. This continued tear down and rebuilding leads to increased muscle size and strength. Your body needs materials to rebuild these fibers just like construction on a building requires materials like bricks and mortar. The key components your body needs are protein for rebuilding the fibers and carbohydrates to quickly carry the nutrients to the damaged muscle.
food to build muscle

A common problem when eating for muscle gain is not ingesting enough protein. The amount needed on a daily basis can be astounding depending on your size. The rule of thumb is to take your weight and multiply by two. You need that many grams of protein per day to optimally fuel muscle gain. Since we can only eat so much food in a day you'll want to concentrate on protein dense foods to make the most of the room in your stomach. There are three main categories of protein rich foods: animal protein, plant protein, and protein supplements. Dairy foods also provide protein but are not as dense.

Animal protein

Red meat is among the densest sources of protein and amino acids. While it is not impossible to properly fuel muscle gain without eating meat it is certainly harder. Beef is one of the best sources of protein, but if you're budget conscious, chicken is also very good and is usually cheaper. Fish has the added benefit of fatty acids but is typically more expensive.

Plant protein

Protein from plants tend to work very well as snacks throughout the day. Nuts and seeds such as pumpkin, peanuts, and almonds are great for quick bursts of protein but are also high in fat so you'll need to moderate your intake. While not as potent as most nuts and seeds, oats are a good source of both carbohydrates and protein and can make for a solid base for breakfast.

Protein supplements

You may find it very difficult to reach the recommended protein intake each day. Protein drinks are typically made from a combination of whey, eggs, soy, and rice and are designed for maximum protein density. Depending on your size, they may very well be the only way to hit your daily protein goal.

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