
Walking As the Best Exercise For Busy People

If you are a busy person, there are chances that you may also be a heavier. This is because busy people often eat on the run instead of eating healthy, home cooked meals. Some busy people also generally have high levels of stress, which is scientifically proven to cause weight gain. Most importantly, if you are a busy person, you are probably just too busy to go to the gym. Its functional and productive nature is why many people claim walking as the best exercise for busy people.

You can probably stroll around your block faster than you could drive to the gym or make it through a fast food drive through at rush hour. This is important because it means you can sneak walks into your day. When you go to the gym you probably get tired and spend a significant amount of time resting between exercises, which means you are not helping to build your endurance. If you take a twenty five minute walk you will probably do more continuous exercise than you did in an hour at the gym.

Walking may not be grueling, but it is still hard. If you walk at a decently fast pace up a hill, you are going to get a great workout. And most importantly, you will not have to worry about missing a week of your busy life because you fell off a treadmill at full speed. What does this mean? Walking does not endanger your body like other activities such as running or sports can, unless you walk through a bear sanctuary or next to an icy cliff, which is never a good idea.

As mentioned earlier, if you are terribly busy, you are probably also experiencing a lot of stress. Exercise helps reduce stress, anger and sadness by releasing neurotransmitters called endorphins. This is the exact same way that most antidepressants work, but walking is free and does not require a prescription, which is wonderful if your stress is because you do not have health insurance.

If you do not even have time to add a twenty minute walk to your day, you can easily add walking into your normal errands. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away at stores, or take a lap around the outside of your favorite coffee shop before you stop in. You might find after you walk around the building you no longer need a caffeine boost.

Another great advantage to walking is that you do not need to do it at a gym. You can walk anywhere you want. People get together and walk in groups, some people even walk around the inside of shopping malls just for the sake of walking. Find some time to walk.

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