
Using DNA to Manage Weight and Fitness

The fitness industry profits every year from people spending hours and money into looking better who, despite the effort, are unhappy with their results. Fortunately for those people and anyone else looking to get healthier, the struggle has become simpler with new analysis technology. DNA testing has cracked open the code towards better fitness and weight management.

Fitness-specific Genes

Through testing specific markers, researchers have discovered that certain traits such as stamina, muscle building, fat burning, energy distribution, etc. are governed by genetics not effort. At first, this may sound disappointing as it demonstrates that despite the work, some exercises simply do not benefit everyone equally. However, that view is looking at the proverbial glass as half empty rather than full. Instead, this technology clearly casts a light on what people should be doing to maximize their own unique fitness.

For example, the ACTN3 gene is partially responsible for the development of fast-twitch muscle fiber. Determining whether someone is better suited towards power-based activities (i.e. weight lifting) or endurance-based exercises (i.e. running) is based in part by variations within this gene. The key though is learning exactly which genes are in play and which specific variations people are born with to maximize success.

Using DNA to Manage Weight

DNA testing companies have already seen this technology and its industry-changing effects on the horizon for some time, and are launching products designed to tap into this weight loss potential now. By understanding exactly how one's body reacts to certain kinds of physical stimuli, the better an overall workout regimen can be designed and calibrated.

Instead of spending countless hours without obvious results, cut that time down to a mere fraction while seeing substantial, responsible change over time. Not only does this technology have the potential to improve lives physically, but also in quality of life as well. Imagine spending more time with family and friends while staying fit, simply because the amount of gym time needed to do so is calibrated for maximum effect.

The applications for DNA-based fitness routines are vast. By understanding how each body reacts towards specific factors, every person can tailor their physical activity and nutrition accordingly, thus cutting down on unhelpful calories and exercises that add pounds and stress. This science has been in development for years but is now finally reaching the marketplace. Ultimately, the entire fitness industry will take its cues from this breakthrough in genetic research.

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