
Understanding How To Lose Weight With Acupuncture

Different people use different ways to lose weight. Some use fad diets while others get involved in weird exercises. Acupuncture is one of the oldest ways of losing weight and it's heavily used by the Chinese community.

How to Lose Weight Using Acupuncture

There are many ways in which the practice helps you in losing weight. Some of the ways include:

Balance in hormones: when you undertake acupuncture, you increase the levels of endorphins in the body which reduces cravings. As a result of this you feel more positive thus you don't engage in binge eating.

The practice also aids in reducing the levels of leptin and insulin. Leptin regulates the storage of fat and metabolism. It also stimulates the feeling of being full. Insulin on the other hand regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It also regulates absorption of glucose from the blood. When the leptin levels are low you are able to tell when you are full thus you stop eating.

Balance of the organ system: two of the main organs involved with digestion are: spleen and liver. When there is an imbalance in the spleen you tend to experience fatigue, loose stools, slow metabolism, water retention, and a feeling of heaviness.

An imbalance in the liver on the other hand leads to cravings and compulsive eating.

Acupuncture aids in balancing these organs thus your body functions properly bringing about weight loss.

How the Practice Is Done

For you to lose weight you have to visit a professional who will insert very fine and sterile needles at specific parts of the body. For example, the professional can insert the needles in the mouth, small intestine, shenmen, and even the hunger point.

The aim of inserting the needles is to stimulate the release of endorphins which are the "feel good" hormones. When the hormones are released you have a calming, relaxing effect which counteracts the need to eat a lot of food.

Ear stapling is a very common practice where the professional manipulates specific points on the ear in order to control food cravings.


This is what you need to know about acupuncture and weight loss. You should always remember that for you to have ideal results you should ensure that the procedure is done by a qualified acupuncturist. In addition to undertaking the procedure you also need to eat the right foods. You also need to engage in exercises that will help you in losing weight.

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