
Top Fat Loss Snacks - Best Snacks For Weight Loss

If you're on a fat loss diet right now, it's important that you're including some smart snacks into your plan. Snacking will help prevent you from overeating at your next meal as well as help keep blood sugar levels balanced, preventing a binge.
weight loss snacks

Not all weight loss snacks are created equally though. Understanding which will be best to choose will help you design your fat loss diet in a way that gets you success.

Here are some of the best snacks to consider.

Egg Salad With Low-Fat Mayo On Crackers

Eggs are an excellent source of protein when added to the diet and are easy to prepare. Mix some hard boiled egg whites with some low fat mayo and then place on some whole grain crackers.

This snack should contain around 200-300 calories and fit right into your total calorie budget plan.

Trail Mix

Another good fat loss snack is trail mix. You just need to be careful with the portion sizes of this snack since the calories can add up quickly if you're not careful. Ideally you want your trail mix to consist of nuts, pretzels, a small amount of dried fruit, and a whole grain cereal.

This snack is great because it's easily transportable and can be kept for longer periods of time.

Carrots With Hummus

Another great snack to have on a regular basis is carrots with hummus. The carrots are a good source of carbohydrate and the hummus will provide you with some healthy fats to slow the release of the glucose in the body.

The end result is that you stay satisfied for a longer period of time than you otherwise would have.

Celery With Tuna and Cheese

The third weight loss snack to try is celery with tuna and a small amount of sliced cheese melted over it. The cheese contains calcium which will help promote strong bones while the tuna will give you some protein.

Simply place the celery stick under the broiler for a short period of time and soon you should have your snack ready.

So, make sure you don't shun these mini-meals. They will help provide lasting energy and help you keep your food intake more balanced throughout the entire day.

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