
The Fast Way to Weight Loss For Busy People - Intermittent Fasting

Do you want to lose weight but feel that you're just too busy? You don't have time to buy special foods and prepare them, and you don't have time for classes. There's a solution. Consider a weight loss program which focuses on intermittent fasting.
weight loss for busy people

Do you want to lose weight but feel that you're just too busy? You don't have time to buy special foods and prepare them, and you don't have time for classes. There's a solution. Consider a weight loss program which focuses on intermittent fasting.

1. What Is Intermittent Fasting?

There are several popular intermittent fasting programs, and as the name suggests, these programs focus on using fasting as a method to lose weight.

For example Eat Stop Eat is one such program, which suggests that you fast for either one or two days a week. On the days on which you're not fasting, you eat normally.

One of the challenges of fasting for people who are new to the idea is that it seems dangerous. We're used to eating three meals a day, and to go without food seems extreme.

However, if you visit your doctor first, to ensure that there are no underlying health problems, intermittent fasting can be a very safe weight loss program.

2. How to Choose Your Fasting Day

It's best to choose a day when you're at work, rather than try to fast on a weekend. You have lots to do at work, and this takes your mind off food.

You'll also find that when you're fasting, you have more energy because your body is not focused on digesting food -- this means that you get more done.

You can't need any special foods for fasting, just ensure that you drink plenty of water. If you keep hydrated, and keep busy, your fast day will go very quickly and you won't miss not eating.

3. Combining Normal Days, Fasting Days and Exercise

Exercise is important with every weight loss program. If you don't exercise, rather than burning fat, your body tends to burn muscle as fuel, so that you can end a very flabby after you've lost weight.

You don't need to become a fanatic or a gym junkie. Choose an exercise you enjoy. You can walk, swim, or dance for 20 minutes to half an hour each day. You'll find that on your intermittent fasting program, you have much more energy, and you'll feel like exercising.

Allow your body to tell you how it feels. Some people who are fasting exercise on their fasting days, while others exercise on normal-food days. It's your choice, just ensure that you get some exercise at least five days a week.

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