
Muscle Gaining Secrets - Foods That Will Help in Building Muscle and Losing Fat

One of the top muscle gaining secrets can be found not in the weight room but at the dinner table. How we go about building muscle and losing fat must start with a muscle gain diet consisting of a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and yes fats, but healthy fats. We will reveal these muscle gaining secret foods as follows:
muscle gaining

1. Turkey breast and chicken breast. These foods are in the lean protein category, and are great for the muscle tissues. The body requires more energy to burn protein than it does other nutrients, making it less likely to become stored as fat if consumed in moderate quantities. It is not a very efficient fat-producer. Also, because of its slower rate of digestion, the feeling of fullness lasts longer after eating. Other foods that would fall into the building muscle category would be shrimp, tofu, beans and lentils, and lean red meat.

2. Fruits and vegetables. Foods that are heavy in fiber have as a primary role is to promote a healthy digestive system. This allows the nutrients to be absorbed properly and delivered to building muscle. It also provides the added benefit of binding with dietary cholesterol in the small intestine and removing it from the body. I will bring up a grain-like product here that is high in fiber and protein, and that is quinoa. It is a South American product that has great nutritional value, and should be on everyone's shopping list. One thing to remember about fiber: if you have not had a diet high in fiber, increase your consumption amount slowly over a few weeks or months, as a sudden increase can cause an upset digestive system.

3. Eggs. Long a source for building muscle with body builders (remember the first "Rocky" movie), because of health concerns raw eggs have fallen out of favor. But there are many ways in which they can be prepared, and they are one of the really cheap healthy foods. Most dietary evidence seems to point to the fact that eggs are not the cholesterol-laden food that was once believed. Eggs are high in cholesterol, but it is the type that is not as harmful as saturated fat from meat. Later research has found that cholesterol found in eggs has a small and clinically insignificant effect on blood cholesterol.

4. Salmon and other cold water fish. Add building muscle and losing fat as another health benefit from this true super food. Salmon is high in proteins as well as iron, calcium, selenium and phosphorus and vitamins A, B and D, all essential for building muscle.

5. Olive oil. We advocate using olive oil whenever possible, especially the extra-virgin variety. It has been found to prevent the breakdown of muscle by lowering levels of cellular protein called tumor necrosis factor-a, which has been linked with muscle deterioration.

Building muscle and losing fat will not be done with magic pills or quick-fix elixirs. Sit-ups or abs belts will not target fat in the abdominal area. An exercise program that taxes the cells to require more nutrients, a muscle gain diet high in nutrients needed for building muscle, and a delivery system, that is, the liver and blood stream that is unencumbered with toxins and excess fats that allows the nutrients to be delivered efficiently, is all the healthy human body needs for it to be building muscle and losing fat.

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