
Lose Weight in a Fun Way - Drink Green Tea!

Green Tea and Health Benefits
We all know that this powerful tea has dozens of different health benefits. There is no doubt about it. From improving skin to fighting against depression, and from lowering cholesterol to treating diabetes, it has numerous health advantages.
green tea

However, not many people know this, but green tea can also be really beneficial as a fat burner.
In fact, a scientific study even proved it.

In that study, the subjects were given 690mg of catechins for 12 weeks. After those 12 weeks, the subjects' waist circumference, skinfold thickness, total fat area and subcutaneous fat area, all were significantly reduced.

Moreover, the bad cholesterol (LDL) was also greatly lowered in all the participants of that study.

Note: If you don't know, "catechins" are abundantly found in green tea, and they are a type of antioxidant that is specifically found in the leaves of tea plants.

This exact same study was also published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

So you see how this amazing tea has the capability to reduce fats from your body. It is basically the catechins that help you achieve a slimmer, fitter and healthier body shape.

Catechins are specifically famous for their anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, but they are equally powerful against unnecessary fats and excessive weight.

Yes, it can help you burn unnecessary fats, lower the bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and lose excessive weight.

It's The Power of Polyphenol

Polyphenol is also an antioxidant that can have various health benefits for your body. In fact, approximately 90% polyphenols are catechins. But there often may be a few technical differences between the two terms.

For this scenario, understand polyphenol as something that intensifies the oxidation level in your body. By regularly drinking green tea, you increase your oxidation level, burn calories and lose more weight.

Another study made a group of participants drink 4 cups of green tea every day. The polyphenol effect increased their oxidation rate by 12%, and as a result, each of those participants lost 67 more calories per day. You can see how green tea can play an instrumental role in the entire weight loss process.

Based on the various scientific studies and researches about the power of green tea, Tomonori Nagao of Health Care Products Research Laboratories in Tokyo, says:

"These results suggest that catechins contribute to the prevention of and improvement in various lifestyle-related diseases, particularly obesity."

But Green Tea May Not Be Enough... 

If you want to lose weight in a healthy, more permanent way, drink green tea. But it may not always be enough.

It is just one of the many things that contribute to your weight-loss process. There are various different tips that you should also consider if you really want to lose weight.

In fact, you get the best possible results only when you apply all the best weight-loss tips together.

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