
Lose Weight in 7 Days With Soup Diets

So you want to lose weight within a week but you don't know how. The solution is simple; make use of the soup diets. Here are 3 soup diets that can help you lose your weight within 7 days:
lose weight in 7 days

Cabbage Soup Diet

The Cabbage Soup Diet is popular soup diet that lets you lose up to ten pounds in a week.

You can pair the cabbage soup with any food except those that makes you gain weight (e.g. sweets). You can actually eat all the fruits you want except for bananas.

Chicken Soup Diet

The Chicken Soup Diet is becoming a popular diet that is proven to be effective as well. Your eating program will only consist of strictly one breakfast a day followed by all the chicken soup throughout the day. There is an exact recipe for this soup diet and certain choices for breakfast are only allowed.

Vegetable Soup Diet

The Vegetable Soup Diet is an effective way to lose your weight and give your body the nutrients it needs as well as protein and carbohydrates. Never use canned vegetables because it contains high sodium content. Instead, choose to use as many fresh vegetable as possible in your concoction of vegetable diet.

The good thing about these diets is that it gives you fast results with a 7 days guarantee of losing up to 10 pounds without you being hungry at all. It is also simple since there are no required food supplements except for you to consume the soup more often. Lastly, the soup diet is cheap because all recipes in cooking your choice of diets are available online.

Just remember that these soup diets are not intended to be adopted as a lifestyle. Soup diets together with some long-term weight loss goals you can achieve better results.

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