
Is The 1500 Calorie Diet Program a Fad?

We have all seen fitness models on television especially late at night promoting fat burning pills and workout gadgets. Regardless of our current physical powers, activity level or lack of it we all know that a healthy wholesome body contributes to less tension and greater well being. We've all been told that adopting a low calorie diet will ensure fat loss and make this all happy.
1500 calorie diet

The problem is everyone's situation is different and therefore it is important to first see a physician to get a thorough checkup before attempting any diet program. There can be underlying illness causing your excess body fat or certain medical conditions that can complicate the problem if you're not aware of your physical condition. Before I discuss the merits of the 1500 calorie diet program let's take a look at some of the current fads on the market.

Ultra-low calorie diets
We have been told that losing weight requires reducing our calories but it is important to set specific guidelines in order to stay within a range in which your body will take the right course of action to reach your goals. Many individuals will start with an ultra-low calorie diet program in hopes of seeing rapid weight loss results; the problem is that very low calorie diets (usually under 1000 calories) can have a debilitating effect on the human body.

When faced with a lack of nutrients, the body begins to shut down certain services that it doesn't consider essential in order to store nutrients for emergency purposes. When this happens all of our systems will begin to move toward a state of hibernation so rather than burning fat for fuel we will begin to take from our muscles and preserve fat as a last resort. These kinds of diets should only be conducted under medical supervision.

Low fat diets
Some low fat foods started showing up in the early 1980s as a response to the concept of less fat consumption would be equal weight loss. Fairly soon many low fat diet programs sprang up everywhere and people started looking for low fat foods in the supermarkets. The problem was the food industry then began making everything fat free even if they were already free of fat.

What they didn't bother to tell you was how much sugar and preservatives were being used in place of the fat in many of your favorite foods. Fairly soon people were realizing that they went losing weight in the right proportion. Their fat free foods were basically "junk". People began eating more food than their allotted calorie count required. Soon they were gaining weight or lowering their metabolism to a point where they were not burning fat.

Low carb diets
And the Atkins diet was first introduced in the sixties and revolutionized the way people thought of their meals. Atkins associated carbohydrates with many lifestyle diseases and found that by radically reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed over a certain period of time he was able to get his patients to burn fat without compromising their muscles. What was even more interesting was the idea that you could consume fat, protein and water for days on end, burn fat without doing a whole lot of exercises.

In the late nineties there was a resurgence of the Atkins program and the fat free craze transformed itself into the low carb craze. The food industry once again found a way to make money by thoroughly removing nutrients from diet food.

Where the shelves were once stacked with fat free goodies now whole sections were cleared off for low carb or no carb meals. The problem of course was that these meals were still woefully deficient in the appropriate nutrients for your average human and cost twice as much as an ordinary meal that you could make at home. Once the average guy or gal went back to eating carbs they blew up and got fatter than ever.

The 1500 calorie diet program
There is a balance between low fat, low carb and low calorie diets that can actually work for most people. The average adult male can comfortably consume 2500 to 3000 calories a day to sustain their body. The average female can consume 2000 to 2500 calories a day to comfortably nourish her body.

Most Americans in their super convenient, fast paced world consume a lot more than their body requires each day and unless they are practicing for running marathons, active in sports or working construction each day much of these calories remain as fat. The 1500 calorie diet program essentially allows you to consume a low glycemic diet rich in nutritious foods of all kinds at a calorie count slightly below the average male or female requirements.

This program is combined with a modest exercise program to ensure efficient calorie burning throughout the day and to stimulate fat burning hormones and enzymes at night. The exercise program in combination with the diet allows you to burn fat 24 hours a day while eating six small meals from a variety of food sources. Not only are you never hungry on this type of program your body is constantly being nourished and you never experience a drop in blood sugar levels.

Adopt the healthy way of eating for life
The 1500 calorie diet program can be found in many forms in bookstores and online courses. Whether you are a vegetarian or meat eater there are plenty of recipes available from a wide variety of sources to help you select meals that you can enjoy. Most people will adopt this eating program for 30 to 90 days to allow their bodies to strip excess fat as they become fit and strong through regular exercise. One you reach your goal weight; simply gradually increase your calories while eating the same healthy way.

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