
How to Get the Fastest Weight Loss Over a One Month Period

So you want to know how to get the fastest weight loss possible because you want to reach your goal in one month. You can do this but I will warn you, the results will not come for free. It will take your focus and energy but if you are willing then you can follow these tips and of course, be sure you discuss your plan with your doctor first.
fastest weight loss

How to get the fastest weight loss in just one month:

1. Know that fast is easier. This is as much a mental tip as a physical one. Research shows that faster weight loss is often easier for people because even though they must go through the discomfort that comes with changing habits, they see results very quickly and this becomes a powerful motivator.

2. Jump start your weight loss by eliminating all refined carbs for the first 2 weeks of the month. These carbs breakdown very quickly in the body and therefore become a quick energy source. The problem is that the body gets used to using them for energy and neglects body fat. By eliminating them you force your body to burn fat for energy (a good thing when you are losing weight.)

3. Cheat two weeks into your diet. Yes, I said that correctly, if you are looking for the fastest weight loss then you will be keeping your calories very low. The problem with this is that your body adapts to this low calorie intake by slowing your fat-burning metabolism, this will result in a plateau unless you convince your body that all is well and you do this by overfeeding it for one day and then getting right back on track.

4. No fooling around with your workouts. You will need physical exercise to get this fast weight loss in a month and know that you can always do more. Consider ways to add exercise by exercising in the morning and evening, adding walks, playing a sport, or simply adding intensity to your current workout.

These tips show you how to get the fastest weight loss possible over the next 30 days, you will have to work hard but the results will be well worth the effort.

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