
How Long Does It Take To Burn 3500 Calories?

There are many times during the year when we all sit down to partake in large meals. Whether eating out or at home; holidays, family events and birthdays bring out the biggest amounts of food stuff for everyone to indulge in. An easy way to start training our body and mind to eat less during such mealtimes is to elevate our personal workout routine. I have created an exclusive technique that will enable you to burn 3500 calories in four short days. This is the same time it takes to burn off the calories from a big meal. First off, remember to keep your workout fun and satisfying so you want to come back and do it again. Early morning is a great time to start your cardio workout. I recommend running around your neighborhood or enjoying a steady walk on a treadmill.
burn fat

Jogging burns about 500 calories per hour. If you step up the pace and move faster you can burn an extra fifty calories. I have put my rear in gear by creating an innovative workout experience with Kangoo Jumps.

These revolutionary boots were made for running and Kangoo Jumps can help you burn twice the calories in the same amount of time while keeping the impact off your knees and joints by as much as 80%. Oftentimes, I break up my early morning run with two 15 minute jump rope routines. If you carry a jump rope with you, you can work out anywhere, anytime both indoors and outdoors. Jumping rope builds cardiovascular endurance while working nearly every muscle in your body, especially the arms. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself. I dare you! You will feel the burn in your arms while eliminating 11 calories per minute. If you are bold enough, turn up the intensity of your jumps and you can burn closer to 20 calories per minute.

Taking a brisk walk is another great calorie-burning exercise. Jumping rope compliments walking nicely because it is not considered a low-impact activity. Biking is a great way to explore your neighborhood and a fun activity to do with friends and family. Biking at medium speed burns 700 calories per hour. If you are an avid cyclist and travel at a high speed it is not unusual to burn up to 1125 calories per hour.

Here are a few ways I get the ultimate 4 day work out!

Day 1: I start out by playing tennis. Tennis is a social sport and a good workout, even for beginners. Focus on hitting the ball and take your mind off on how much you are actually running. Singles is a better workout than doubles, but whatever it takes to get you out on the court is all that counts. 500 calories burned

Day 2: Begin with an early morning jog and jump rope routine. 750 calories burned

Day 3: I do a spin class or take a long bike ride outside with my family. My kids want to burn off some of the big meals as well. Although I will probably do both, you can burn up to 1000 calories in a good hard spin routine. Why not start the morning off with a great spin routine and go home to take a leisurely bike ride to the park or store with your kids. 1500 calories burned

Day 4: Take it easy and enjoy a good Pilates or yoga class. Many of us experience daily stress and pressure. It is imperative to take the time to focus on yourself in order to adequately heal your body, mind and spirit. 800 calories burned

Typically each workout routine is 60 minutes long. If you have the endurance to push yourself harder more calories will be burned. Don't forget to stretch before and after each workout routine. Remember you will get much more out of life when you weigh less.

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