In this article I want to show you why you should consider using
weights in combination with your treadmill aerobic exercise to burn the
maximum amount of body fat.
You see the treadmill by itself can be used to boost your metabolism and burn fat especially when you use treadmill interval training and other weight treadmill Weight loss routines. But to get the extra edge you need to build muscle mass. Muscle mass is crucial to losing weight because it boost your metabolism.
A pound of muscle gained will burn 13 calories at rest! This translates to about 3900 calories a month. Three thousand nine hundred calories will burn a little more than a pound of fat a month! And when it comes to building muscle, nothing builds muscle mass like weight training! And I can almost hear what you are saying "I do not want to build muscle and look a bodybuilder" and "muscle will make me look bulky and big."
These statements are just not true! Muscle mass is natures gift to men and women who want to look lead and lose weight. But fact is, you can not build muscle that easily and so you should not be afraid of getting bulky. Most people find it extremely hard to build muscle and the only thing that can happen if you use a weight training program in combination with a treadmill weight loss workout is to build muscle and lose weight! Just let me say it again-The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn and the more weight you will lose. Ten pounds of muscle will burn 3900 calories a month -which equates to over a pound of body fat! This happens without exercising and without dieting! It means you can burn up to 24 pounds of fat a year without any additional effort if you have muscle in your body.
This 10 pound of muscle will ensure you remain lean and keep the weight of permanently! And do you know what 10 pounds of muscle on your body looks like? It makes you look like a lean sculpted machine. For women you have a hard sexy curvy look, for men you have a ripped defined muscular look.
In summary the best thing you can do to build lose weight is to build muscle, so make sure you are using a good weight training program in combination with a good treadmill weight loss program! Either way you look at it building muscle and using the treadmill is crucial when it comes to making losing weight
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You see the treadmill by itself can be used to boost your metabolism and burn fat especially when you use treadmill interval training and other weight treadmill Weight loss routines. But to get the extra edge you need to build muscle mass. Muscle mass is crucial to losing weight because it boost your metabolism.
A pound of muscle gained will burn 13 calories at rest! This translates to about 3900 calories a month. Three thousand nine hundred calories will burn a little more than a pound of fat a month! And when it comes to building muscle, nothing builds muscle mass like weight training! And I can almost hear what you are saying "I do not want to build muscle and look a bodybuilder" and "muscle will make me look bulky and big."
These statements are just not true! Muscle mass is natures gift to men and women who want to look lead and lose weight. But fact is, you can not build muscle that easily and so you should not be afraid of getting bulky. Most people find it extremely hard to build muscle and the only thing that can happen if you use a weight training program in combination with a treadmill weight loss workout is to build muscle and lose weight! Just let me say it again-The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn and the more weight you will lose. Ten pounds of muscle will burn 3900 calories a month -which equates to over a pound of body fat! This happens without exercising and without dieting! It means you can burn up to 24 pounds of fat a year without any additional effort if you have muscle in your body.
This 10 pound of muscle will ensure you remain lean and keep the weight of permanently! And do you know what 10 pounds of muscle on your body looks like? It makes you look like a lean sculpted machine. For women you have a hard sexy curvy look, for men you have a ripped defined muscular look.
In summary the best thing you can do to build lose weight is to build muscle, so make sure you are using a good weight training program in combination with a good treadmill weight loss program! Either way you look at it building muscle and using the treadmill is crucial when it comes to making losing weight