
Healthy Smoothies Help With a Low Calorie, High Satisfaction Diet

Weight loss, diet, fasting, detox; all of these are familiar words we hear being said at the beginning of every year, we may even be talking about these things ourselves.
healthy smoothies

Have you noticed that some of the cable news shows are featuring weight loss experts at the beginning of the new year because so many people make losing weight and "getting healthy" their goal each January. I just saw Richard Simmons on one of the morning shows encouraging everyone to make 2010 the year of size 10!

Unfortunately there are no quick fixes to a healthy lifestyle. To achieve these goals takes an ongoing deliberate behavior change that you must chose for yourself. And, if you are a parent, a lifestyle you can promote to your children. Kids will follow your example so you need to be proactive in what and how they eat.

Personally, I think taking time to build a meal plan for the week is the best tool to ensure you and your family eat healthy and avoid the quick trips through the drive in or calls to the local pizza guy. It really isn't that hard to plan a variety of meals to incorporate the five servings of fruits and vegetables each of us should eat daily. By adding smoothies into your meal plans you are virtually guaranteeing that you and your family will be getting all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need.

Here's one quick example of how easy it is to eat healthy when you add smoothies to your meal plans. As we all know, Orange juice is a great source of vitamin C, but oranges are also a wonderful source of potassium which is vital to controlling and regulating our blood pressure. So try this smoothie recipe; I am sure your family will love it:

1/2 cup of frozen orange juice concentrate
1 1/2 cups of low-fat milk
2 cups of fat-free frozen vanilla yogurt

That's all there is to it! Mix it up in your blender and pour in chilled glasses! This recipe will serve four people.

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