
Healthy Apples For a Healthy Diet

You've probably heard the expression, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Just an old wives tale, right? Well, actually, there's some truth in there. For instance, two apples a day may help keep heart disease away! An apple is full of flavonoids and antioxidants and fiber that all help reduce heart disease. Good deal, right?
healthy diet

But apples do more than help your heart. Those flavonoids in apples help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Adding apples to your diet can help when losing weight. And one of my favorite benefits is that apples are good brain food. I don't know about you, but I can use all the brain power I can get! Sounds like a really good reason to eat apples to me.

Some studies have even shown that people with diabetes who eat apples have smaller spikes in glucose than expected, possibly because of the fiber content.

And did you know that apples are part of the rose family? Seems like that would make a basket of apples as good as a bouquet of roses!

Apples are grown all over the world, with the largest producer being China. In the United States, there are over a hundred commercial varieties grown. You've probably eaten some of them, like Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Gala, McIntosh, Rome and more.

Some apples work better for eating fresh, and others are better for cooking and baking. Raw apples make great snacks and cut up in salads. When eating apples raw, you get the most benefit by eating everything but the core. Turns out that almost half of the vitamin C content in an apple is right under the skin, so if you peel it, you throw away a lot of the vitamin C instead of eating it.

Try Red and Gold Delicious apples for salads, along with the Fiji variety. If you want apples for baking, try Granny Smith or Rome. A Golden Delicious apple is a great all-purpose apple and can be used for all kinds of cooking.

Experiment and taste test different kinds of apples to see which you like best. Since you can buy a single apple at most grocery stores, you can buy a variety and try them out.

Whatever kind of apple you like best, they're all a great part of a healthy diet!

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