
Fat Burning Breakfasts - The 3 Rules

The most beneficial and most difficult meal of the day. We all know that a good breakfast will jump start our day and keep our body from going into starvation mode, but how do we get a good breakfast in our bellies that burns the fat and feeds our muscles?
fat burning breakfast

The answer is to keep it simple by following 3 little rules

Rule #1 Fiber

First rule is to make sure to have a breakfast with fiber involved. Besides being excellent for scouring that unmentionable lower half of our digestive tract, fiber countless other benefits that should not be overlooked.

Fiber slows absorption of simple carbohydrates, thus stopping any insulin spikes that would shunt those sugars into storage (fat cells). Fiber fills a belly up, which allows you to get your digestive system awake in the morning, without causing huge cravings that will have you over eating.

Aside from these dietary benefits fiber has numerous other benefits such as it lowers cholesterol, and yes of course it scours your colon clean.

Good sources of breakfast fiber are:

  • Oatmeal
  • Bran Cereal
  • Whole Grain Toast
  • Raisins
  • Apples

Rule # 2 Protein
 When you awake in the morning you body is essentially coming back from a night of building. While you were asleep you were actually very busy repairing muscle cells that were damaged during your exercise bouts. Plus you were adding new muscle so that your body can perform better.

By the way sleep time is the only time this occurs.

So upon waking up your protein stores are depleted and in need of refilling. This is the time to start your re-stocking program. Avoiding this morning protein restocking will force your body to go searching for the protein it needs from your muscles. This is called catabolism and it is very bad.

Bottom line is to get some protein in your system to tell your body that you are restocking the supplies. Not much protein is needed to do this, 14 grams is probably enough.

Good sources of breakfast protein are:

  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Whey Protein
  • Cottage Cheese

Rule #3 Carbs
 OK the fun part of breakfast - Carbs. The carbs were talkin' about here are your favorite types - sweet tasting simple carbs. You don't need a ton only around 20 grams or so.

While simple carbs may not be so desirable late at night, in the morning they are the fuel that your body needs to jump start your day. So this is the time to enjoy them without guilt.

Good sources of breakfast carbs are:

  • Natural Maple Syrup
  • Natural Honey
  • Natural Cain Sugar
  • Orange Juice
  • Apple Juice

 The key to using these rules is in having fun with the combinations you create from the food types. For instance a bowl of oatmeal combined with a scoop of protein powder, gives you some great fiber and protein in one simple serving. Splash some milk and maple syrup on it and you have a super tasting breakfast that meets all three rules and gets your fat burning furnace stoked for a high energy day.

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