
Eating Snack Food To Lose Weight

How in the world can you attest to eating snack food to lose weight? That is a valid question and the answer looks at the definition of snack foods and why we eat them. You might think of chips or ice cream as snack food. They are great snack foods. A snack is defined as a light meal or food eaten between meals.
snack food

Why and what do we eat between meals? Maybe because we did not eat enough at meal time and have a hunger or craving for food. This craving though is not for what we had eaten but something different, possibly something with salt or sugar in it. So we reach for chips, pretzels, peanuts, cookies, peanut butter crackers, ice cream to mention a few. Any one of them may satisfy our craving, but we may have a tendency to eat more of them than we should and spoiling our hunger for the next regular nutritional meal.

When you read the package labels on these snacks they show that most do not have any redeeming nutritional value. They are high in fats, sugar, carbohydrate or salt. These are not things you want to regularly include in your daily diet. So why do we eat them? One reason could be there are foods in your diet, or lack of some, that causes a craving for certain foods. For example, if you have meals high in sugar and carbohydrates you may crave something sweet as a snack. Along that line studies show that drinking diet sodas with artificial sweeteners can actually increase your craving for more items containing sugar.

Our bodies are miraculously balanced systems that strive to remain healthy. The auto immune system can overcome various infections and maladies. However, our body requires balanced nutrition to function properly. All food groups have a place in healthy eating to protect our body. Generally speaking, too much of anything is not good.

For example, when we eat food containing sugar our system produces insulin to help the cells take in sugar and convert it to energy. This is a good thing. However, taking in too much sugar can result in being overweight which affects how insulin works in your body. This is not good and can lead to many health related issues.

Sugar, or glucose, in balanced proportions is an important food needed for a healthy body. Overcoming our craving for too much sugar can be helped by turning away from processed sugars found in table sugar, candy and non-diet soda and eating food that contain natural sugar in various nutritional forms. I can speak from personal experience, if you omit processed sugars from your diet the craving will also leave.

So, the conclusion is you can eat snack food and lose weight. But it needs to be good snack food as opposed to bad, and incorporated in a healthy diet regimen. There are diet plans that require eating snacks between regular meals. Snacks are not a bad thing if you eat smart.

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