
Eat a Healthy Breakfast to Increase Fat Loss

When people think about weight loss they think of eating less and moving more. This is a very true statement for creating a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is skipping breakfast in order to eat fewer calories.

Breakfast is a critical piece of the weight loss and fat loss puzzle. When the body is sleeping, metabolism is in a resting state. In order to kick start the metabolism and get the body's "engine" running for the day, breakfast is required. If people skip breakfast they will automatically slow down the metabolism and also slow down the whole weight loss process. As a personal trainer, eating breakfast is one of the first things that I help my clients with in order to create efficient results for their fat loss goals.

Here are some quick, healthy, and great tasting breakfast options that will give you energy, nutrients, and a great start to your food intake for the day.

1. Whole wheat English muffin topped with all-natural peanut butter, and fruit: A great combination of healthy carbohydrates, as well as fat and protein from the peanut butter. Fruit is a great source of healthy sugars and vitamins A and C.

2. Oatmeal with fruit: Oatmeal is a great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which can help to keep you full for several hours. Including fruit adds some great taste and vitamins.

3. Veggie and Cheese Omelets: Using low fat cheese and a mix of vegetables can spice up an egg breakfast as well as provide calcium, proteins, and Vitamins C and D. Eggs are a great source of protein and healthy fats.

4. Protein Smoothie: Mix chocolate protein powder, low fat milk, peanut butter, banana, and ice in a blender for a great quick start breakfast loaded with protein, calcium, and healthy carbohydrates.

5. Yogurt and Fruit: Find a low sugar yogurt such as Chobani Greek Yogurt and pair it with some fresh fruit. You will have proteins, calcium, and vitamins.

Eating breakfast will not only give you a great boost of energy for your workouts and daily activities, but you will prime your metabolism for great fat loss if combined with proper nutrition and training.

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