
Cheap Foods That Build Muscle

The hardest part for me when I first got into muscle building was getting enough of the right food. It wasn't that I was slack and just not eating enough. It was because I was broke! I couldn't afford the meat and eggs required to gain solid amounts of mass. This article explains how I found foods that build muscle for cheap.
food to build muscle

To start off with, I guess I should go through some of the basic muscle building foods. It's pretty simple really. You want items that have a high calorie value. You also need a good source of protein, and plenty of carbohydrates. Fats are also essential, but you can get them from just about anything.

Some good muscle building foods are:

Pasta, rice, and bread - These are the best sources of carbohydrates, and there are plenty of dishes you can make with these babies. Best of all, they're cheap!

Beef, chicken, turkey - These are good sources of protein, which should make up 15%-20% of your total intake every day. You don't have to go overboard on these things, contrary to what you might have read! To cut down on the costs of meat, consider buying (wait for it..) organs like liver and kidney. Buying bulk will also save you an arm and a leg.

Fish and nuts - Good for protein, but even better to get your essential fats from. Salmon is particularly rich in Omega-3, which is probably one of the most important oils on the planet. Depending on where you live, these things may not be cheap. Try going to local farms and fish markets for the cheapest prices.

Fruit and Vegetables - Munch away all day! You're going to get all the minerals and vitamins from these babies. Don't underestimate the goodness that you can get from this stuff. Keep fruit down to 1 or 2 pieces a day, since they've often got ridiculous levels of sugar in them.

Now, all of the above contain calories. Try to avoid sugar because it will reach havoc on your energy levels. You want to eat 6-8 meals a day to get a consistent intake going. Your metabolism will get into a great rhythm if you eat at the same time each day.

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