
Can You Lose 20 Pounds in 10 Days?

The vast majority of people would like to lose weight and the quicker they can do it the better. But if you look at the poor statistics, which show that 95% of people fail at permanent weight loss, then it is very unlikely for anyone to lose 20 pounds in 10 days. It is possible to achieve this but I am sure after reading this article, that this goal is really not worth pursuing.
lose 20 pounds

Why would you like to lose 20 pounds in 10 days?

A really big problem that most people have, is that they have no idea what is realistically achievable and what is hype. These success stories that you hear and see all the time are either made up or the best case scenario. An average person can never reach such high weight loss, that are advertised.

The next big problem is, what exactly do you want to lose? Weight loss itself does not mean much and even if you are able to lose 20 pounds in such short time, then it is mostly water and lean muscle, not fat. You can use diuretics, drastically drop your calories, sweat in the sauna, but all of these things are temporary. The weight you lose so quickly comes back, so losing 20 pounds in 10 days is a meaning less goal.

The real goal is to lose fat and maintain muscle or even build muscle. The more specific your goals are, the more likely you are going to reach them. The general guideline for fat loss is losing 1-2 pounds of fat per week, which seems to be very little. You could lose more than that, but on average people lose 1-2 pounds of fat per week. The more fat you want to lose, without losing muscle mass, the more effort and hard work you need to put in.

Most of the time people don`t think through what exactly they want to achieve. For example if you lose on average of 2 pounds of fat per week, then in 15 weeks, you would have lost 30 pounds of pure fat, without losing muscle mass. Now this does not seem so little after all and most importantly, you would be able to keep the weight off, because you did not lose any muscle mass, which is so important.

Yes, you can lose 20 pounds in 10 days, but is it worth the effort? No! If you really want to succeed, then you need to take a different approach. Losing fat permanently, is the goal for you and everyone else, this can only be achieved if know what you are doing.

Are you losing fat the wrong way?

The approaches you are using to lose body fat may not only be ineffective, it might be destroying your metabolism and even making you even fatter!

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