
Can Feng Shui Help With Weight Loss?

Feng shui is the Chinese tradition of positioning different objects to encourage a positive flow of life energy, which can help to promote happiness, good health and well-being. How can this be related in any way to helping with weight loss? Is it possible to lose weight by rearranging our furniture and possessions in this way? Perhaps not entirely, but the concept is not completely groundless.
feng shui

There are definite connections between our environmental and emotional health as well as our emotional and physical health. Therefore we can only assume that our surroundings may affect and influence our physical well-being, other health issues and even weight loss.

Here are a few feng shui tips which may help to encourage us to lose weight easier:

Promoting Order and Organisation

In the practice of feng shui, order is paramount. Untidiness is believed to contribute to us feeling anxious, confused, depressed and often ill-health and possibly even financial difficulties. Tidying and removing clutter can immediately give us a feeling of light-heartedness, lifting the pressure from our shoulders and giving us renewed vigour. If we put this into the context of weight loss, we can achieve our goal by clearing out anything which is detrimental, damaging or of little use to us and our general health and well-being. We should dispose of all the junk food, sweets and other fattening foods and throw away clothes which no longer fit. We can also do a mental spring clean by banishing thoughts of depression, anxiety, fear and negativity.

We should reorganise our kitchen equipment and utensils in readiness for creating healthy nutritious meals as well as restocking with healthy foods.

Encouraging Harmony

Creating and encouraging harmony and serenity is another aim of feng shui. A serene, harmonious place brings on a feeling of relaxation and calm. We should try to promote a calm harmonious feel in our home by using calming colours on the walls with the addition of accent pieces such as sumptuous fabrics or cushions or inspiring artwork. We should also try to create a calming atmosphere by playing relaxing, soothing music and burning incense or fragrant candles which help us relax and unwind. If there are certain areas of our home in which we feel restless or uncomfortable, then we should make an effort to make changes to make a more peaceful surrounding, or alternatively try to spend as little time as possible in this area.

It is important to eat in a restful, quiet and peaceful surrounding. We should make our kitchen or dining room tidy and clutter free, making the space as peaceful and pleasant as possible. We should also avoid eating while watching television or at the computer, opting for the more serene sanctity of our kitchen or dining room. Relaxing mood lighting, illuminating candles and taking time to leisurely enjoy each meal or snack can make our dining experience a peaceful and satisfying event.

Encouraging Abundance

Feng shui also practices encouraging and inviting abundance into our home. We can do this by keeping a bowl of fresh fruit on our dining table or work top, making sure that it is full to overflowing. A bowl which is full to overflowing with natures bountiful creations is a symbol of abundance, which encourages even more abundance.

When it comes to weight loss, we should eating a few servings from our fruit bowl daily, which will promote good health and ultimately weight loss. We will keep buying more fruit to replace the pieces we have eaten to in order to keep our bowl full, which keeps our abundance moving.

These are just a few examples of how we can encourage and ensure that we follow better, healthier habits, which will also help us achieve success in our weight loss programme. By creating a tidy, harmonious and orderly environment for ourselves we will feel an enhanced sense of well-being, which will help us maintain a healthy eating and exercise regime.

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