
Burn Tummy Fat Fast by Sticking to the Right Diet

You can burn tummy fat quickly when you stick to the right diet. But what diet is 'the right diet'?

This is what the right diet is not:
tummy fat

  • It is not a starvation diet. If you starve yourself you will only lower your metabolism and store more fat.
  • It is not an extreme diet. Anything that is extreme is unhealthy, such as no fat, or no carbs, or only ice cream! Some diets have induction periods - these should not last more than 7 days - which usually serve to shock your system and jump start your metabolism. But any diet that tells you to heavily restrict any food group should be suspect to being unhealthy.

So what is the right diet? The right diet is a diet that stresses:

  • a proper allocation of fats, carbs, and proteins
  • drinking plenty of fluids
  • natural, as opposed to processed, foods

So perhaps your best friend found 'the right diet' and lost 20 pounds and kept them off. So you try it too, but do not have the same results. What happened? The problem with most diets is that one that you can live with and lose weight is not necessarily the same diet that your best friend could live with.
In order for a diet to work for you, it must pass the following criteria:

  • The diet must contain at least 75% of foods that you enjoy eating. If it does not, chances are you will not stay on the diet for long. You will come up with too many reasons to alter the diet and eventually stop. So why even start a diet with foods you can't stand - you are just setting yourself up for failure.
  • The diet must contains menus that you are able to prepare. I've tried a lot of good diets only to fail because I don't have the time/energy to shop for special ingredients and then come home and cook the menus. Like most of us, there is only a small amount of time allocated for actual cooking.

But that doesn't mean the right diet for you isn't out there. You just need to be smart when looking at diets. Why set yourself up for failure? Before starting any diet to burn tummy fat, look at the ingredients in the menus and look at the complexity of fixing those menus as well.

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