
Build Strength and Stick to a Diet to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Want to trim off fat from your tummy fast? Losing 10 pounds in a matter of weeks can be a real hurdle, especially if you've advanced in years or you've long been a couch potato and comfort food eater. You may try sticking to a diet to lose 10 pounds fast, but consult your doctor first to make sure if there won't be serious health repercussions if you proceed with a certain dietary plan.
how to build strength

It's important to know what food and beverages or food and mineral combination go together or won't cancel out the good effects. A health expert can help you in such matters. For instance, it is common knowledge that eating high-fiber foods like old-fashioned oatmeal can aid in weight loss efforts. If you do eat high-fiber foods, you should also drink more water to keep things moving.

Your body will also adjust rapidly to changes in protein intake, so don't forget to pack some protein in your diet. You can spread peanut butter or put light cheese on whole-wheat toast for a midmorning snack.

The surest way to succeed in your weight loss goal, then, is to know which foods to take and which ones to cut back on and also to follow a regular exercise regimen. Spot exercises won't blast away your belly fat. You'd need to get moving on a regular basis and change your eating and lifestyle habits to shrink your waist size by as much as 10 pounds in a couple of weeks or months.

Love smoothies or those choco-vanilla drinks with Oreo crisps? If you're on a diet to lose 10 pounds fast, opt for alternatives. Instead of restaurant-prepared smoothies, make one at home using fresh fruits with low-fat or fat-free yogurt or milk. Keep the serving to eight to 12 ounces. For dinner, chicken breast barbecued on skewers, or with grilled vegetables, will pack in nutrients while serving as a good lose-weight strategy.

For adults trying to diet to lose 10 pounds fast, exercise is vital. Remember that people start losing muscle with age. Strength-building exercises are therefore advisable. Engaging in a form of exercise you love, be it biking, running, swimming, belly dancing, or some other body-revving activity, can be motivating enough.

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