
Are You Doing The Best Exercise To Lose Weight?

The best exercise to lose weight is probably a surprise to most people. This article is for those people who spend hours on the treadmill or exercise bike 4-5 times a week with minimal results. It seems unfortunate that the world of fitness and dieting is riddled with so many unsupported claims. I have no idea why many of these myths continually get reprinted, discussed and therefore perpetuated until they are accepted unquestionably by the masses. And this is all despite science strongly supporting other valid approaches to exercise and diet.
best exercise to lose weight

Why Are Fitness and Health Myths Perpetuated

On some level I think these claims get perpetuated because they do, to a certain degree, make sense. When you are first told about how traditional cardio is the best exercise to lose weight, it makes a bit of sense. A low intensity exercise that hits the "fat burning zone" and it must be done for hours to burn away more calories. Sounds correct right? It may sound correct but it is totally scientifically wrong. There is so much mounting evidence that goes against this type of approach as the best exercise to lose weight, that it is not even funny. Not only is it inefficient at losing weight but it isn't even that good for your cardiovascular system.

This type of traditional cardio or as I like to call it 'steady state' cardio is a staple on many weight loss programs. The gyms are filled with people month after month doing the same steady state cardio and guess what? Month after month they look the same and get the same results. When you put hours and hours into your workout, which is what is required in a steady state cardio program, and at the end of the month you have very little to show for it. It is very unmotivating. It is no wonder that most diets and exercise programs are stopped after 3 months. Why workout if you have nothing to show for it?

Introducing HIIT

The approach called high intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, is the best exercise to lose weight. Typically it involves repetitive cycles of short burst of high intensity exercise with longer periods of less intense exercise or even rest. Usually HIIT session only last about 20 minutes. What is important to note is that the intense period is an all out effort (think running from a lion). Working up to this level of intensity is important for extremely overweight individuals or those with currently poor cardiovascular fitness.

To start your HIIT training choose a brisk walking pace on your treadmill and this will be the recovery or low intensity speed for your training. You will walk at this pace for 1 minute then for the next minute increase the speed until you are running. Start slowly with the running and slowly increase the speed each subsequent time until you find a good level of intensity. Alternate 1 minute of intense exercise with 1 minute rest. If you are starting out you can have 2 minutes rest. This protocol can be done 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes at a time.

HIIT has been shown to not only be the best exercise to lose weight but better at improving cardiovascular fitness that traditional steady state cardio. So you gain more time away from the gym and a healthier heart, the only thing you lose is more body fat!

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