
The Benefits Of Pilates For Weight Loss

Pilates may seem like some new wave type of exercise routine, but the original Pilates exercises (introduced by Joseph Pilates for dancers) surfaced in the early part of the twentieth century.

What Is Pilates?

Pilates is a set of exercises that can be done on a mat or by using specialised equipment. Pilates training and exercises focus on your core body strength, building lean muscle mass and muscle toning through movement and stretching. Pilates is best learned through a certified Pilates instructor, either as part of a class or during one to one tuition. Learning the correct Pilates techniques for stretching and movement is vital, as failure to perform Pilates exercises properly can result in muscle strains and pulls. Pilates uses your bodies core strength, balance, awareness and flexibility to promote efficient movement and a supple and relaxed body through specific exercises. Pilates is very popular among dancers and professional athletes as it promotes physical and mental well-being, and can prolong their careers.

The Benefits Of Pilates

Core Strength

At the very heart of Pilates, you will find core strength. Your core muscles refer to the powerful internal muscles you have in your abdomen and back. A good solid core is essential to promote good posture, healthy movement and support the spine. Pilates can provide you with a solid core and more body strength, this in turn takes more pressure of the spine and reduces the amount of back pain you experience.

Greater Lean Muscle Mass

As well as building body strength, Pilates will also build lean muscle mass. This will certainly help if your goal is to lose weight with Pilates. Muscle burns calories five times as fast as body fat, so you will burn a lot more calories all day long. Pilates will also tone your muscles, giving you a great appearance and bags of confidence.

A Greater Sense Of Mental Well-Being

Just like yoga, a healthy mind as well as body is promoted through Pilates. It is not an intense cardio workout (although intensity can be added), but it focuses on control, movement, concentration and breathing. Pilates can be very relaxing and is an excellent way to reduce stress. Pilates brings mind and body together as one, making it a very powerful and beneficial exercise routine.

So what are the benefits of Pilates for weight loss? You will have a greater lean muscle mass which will result in a much higher metabolism. Pilates will give you a more toned body, and a longer, lean and slimmer appearance. Combine Pilates with other aerobic activity for a great all round fitness routine. Go ahead and experience the wonderful world of Pilates.

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