
The 7-Day Weight Loss Diet That Really Works

How many times have you tried a weight loss diet only to find yourself frustrated by the results? In fact, a quick check of the dreaded scales reveals that you actually gained more weight than you lost! We have all tried our share of weight loss diets, but what if I told you about one that really works in only seven days?
7 day weight loss plan

I am going to share a simple Cabbage soup diet that anyone can use to rapidly lose weight in one week. Listed below is a 7-day weight loss diet that really works.

7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet:

Day-1: Eat the soup and drink plenty of cranberry juice, water, and sugarless tea. You can also eat as many fruits as you want except bananas.

Day-2: Eat the soup and as many vegetables that you want except peas, corn and beans. You must also avoid consuming any fruit, but you can spoil yourself with a buttered grilled potato for dinner.

Day-3: Eat the soup and all the fruits and vegetables you want. Do not eat anything else or you will not get the maximum results that this diet can provide.

Day-4: Eat the soup, no more than 8 bananas and drink skim milk.

Day-5: Eat the soup. You can also have 10 to 20 ounces of skinless beef or chicken and no more than 6 tomatoes. Remember to drink plenty of water.

Day-6: Eat the soup and plenty of vegetables, salads and potatoes. You can now include animal protein like skinless beef into this diet. Remember to avoid all carbohydrates and do not fry the meat or potatoes you consume.

Day-7: Eat the soup, brown rice, sugarless fruit juice and vegetables only.

Why does this simple Cabbage soup diet work in only 7 days? Dietitians say that most people gain weight due to a dramatic intake of foods that are high in calories. This diet avoids the consumption of high calorie foods so you achieve rapid weight loss as a result. They also recommend sticking to this diet if you want to see greater weight reduction and live a healthier lifestyle.

During the 7 day Cabbage soup diet, you can eat as much as soup you desire without having the fear of gaining extra weight. You can also taste a new nutritious food along with the soup each day. You can enjoy soups of onion, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots while you are on this diet.

Are there any down sides to using the Cabbage soup diet? This diet is extremely easy and economical, but does have some downsides.

First, it is a short-term weight loss diet. If you extend this diet beyond 7 days then you may lose essential minerals and vitamins from your body.

Second, you can only do so much to enhance the variety and flavor of Cabbage soup. Third, Cabbage soup is rich in fiber and low in fatty substances. This is great for rapid weight loss, but also means that it is low in nutritional value.

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