
Muscle Fatigue - Top 5 Ways to Combat It

Muscle Fatigue is a common thing to experience when you exercise for a length of time. We have probably all had that feeling of "hitting the wall", when the legs or arms will no longer do anymore reps. It is a problem when we are trying to train, here are the top 5 ways to combat muscle fatigue.

muscle fatigue
1) Keep drinking water or specialized sports drink. Making sure you are well hydrated is a great way to overcome tired muscles. When are thirsty your muscles can decrease contractions by as much as 20%. It is recommended to drink at least 150ml of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.

2) What you eat can directly effect how much you can train. One of the symptoms of muscle fatigue is weakness. This is because the body cannot produce enough energy to power the muscles and your exercise. One way to help this is to make sure you have plenty of carbohydrates in your diet. Carbs act as fuel for the body and will allow it to maintain the energy output needed for your workout.

3) Make sure you rest. Although it is great to power through your gym routine and not stop between sets this is not a good thing for your muscles. To keep fatigue and weakness at bay it is best to rest for at least 30 - 45 seconds between reps. It is also recommended that during this time rather than sit still, walk around a little bit. This stops muscle stiffness from setting in.

4) Rather than just working on weights, introduce some aerobic activity into your routine. This will help increase your endurance, as your body will become more efficient at pumping oxygen around the body. Oxygen is needed by the muscles to make them contract and therefore move. The more oxygen they receive the longer they can work.

5) Do not become trapped by the saying of "more is better". This can lead to injuries and much longer recovery times after the workout is complete. It is always best to work out your routine with a professional trainer. Each time you go you can increase what you do just a little. This will help ease your muscles in and prevent them feeling tired and weak.

I hope you have found these tips useful and will try them out as ways to combat muscle fatigue. By following them you will be able to train longer and harder and reach your goals that much quicker.

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