
How to Lose Weight Fast - 3 Tips to Transform Your Life

Do you want to slim down for summer and hit the beach without it all hanging out? Maybe you want to look great for that wedding you are going to or simply feel fitter and healthier. Whatever your reasons for losing weight this article can help. Here I will unveil 3 simple tips to transform you life and you will learn how to lose weight fast without hitting the treadmill for 5 hours a day. So here we go, let's shed some light on how to lose weight fast...

how to lose weight fast
1. Eat A Balanced Diet.

Despite what many of the so called "gurus" say, you really should not ignore any group of foods. Carbohydrates, protein and even fat are all essential for your body to run efficiently - there is no need to eliminate any of them completely. What is important is to eat the right kinds of these foods. That means out with the processed varieties and in with the whole, natural foods. Remember to eat "naturally from the earth" and you will find that almost immediately you will begin to feel better and realize that learning how to lose weight fast is easier than you thought!

In recent times there has been a plethora of low carb, low fat diets cited as the best way to lose weight but there are problems with these type of regimes, not least that they are often extremely difficult to follow for any length of time. You should be looking to eat healthy carbs such as brown rice or sweet potatoes rather than pizzas and chips.

Look to avoid consuming white carbohydrates such as white bread and white pasta - these types of carbs are often made with refined white flour (most regular flour) which typically triggers a high glycemic response and can lead to large insulin spikes which is something to avoid if you are looking to lose fat and discover how to lose weight fast.

When it comes to fat, make sure you are getting the right kinds of fats and balance saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated. Include fatty acids which are found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel whilst avoiding hydrogenated or trans fats - these have absolutely no nutritional value and are often found in cakes, pastries and ice cream. Another answer to the how to lose weight fast question is to increase your protein intake but make sure it is lean protein.

2. Eat Plenty Of Fiber.

Eating a wide variety of foods rich in fiber will help your digestive system move food through your bowels more efficiently. Not only that but fiber also bulks up in the gut and makes you feel full, meaning you'll eat more sensibly. Fiber has been shown to be incredibly beneficial with cancer. When taken in high amounts, studies have indicated that a persons risk for colon cancer is dramatically reduced and seem to indicate that fiber potentially has the ability to dilute carcinogens that get absorbed into the bowel walls.

Increasing your daily intake of fiber is a very good idea and it is also rather simple; it is found in many natural foods such as oats, vegetables and fruits. The average person could lose around 10 pounds a year just from doubling their fiber intake! Would that not be one easy way to help you on your quest to find out how to lose weight fast?!

3. Rest properly.

Wow really? Yes, in learning how to lose weight fast, you must realize that your body needs appropriate rest in order to burn fat! Proper rest allows your body to work much more efficiently in fact sleep deficiency impairs your ability to lose fat. You should be making sure that you absolutely DO NOT exercise every single day, by doing this you will be over training and not allowing your muscles to recover and grow. Take at least 24-48 hours between any heavy strength sessions where you are utilizing the same muscles and take at least 2 days off per week.

One last important tip is to remember that your goal should be to lose fat, not just weight in general. If you are doing strength training during your weight loss (which you should be), you might actually see an initial gain in weight, don't worry about this! As muscle weighs more than fat, you have probably simply lost some fat whilst gaining muscle! Muscle is what gives your body shape - it is only a good thing!

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