
How to Lose 10 Pounds - An Easy Way to Lose 5 Pounds a Week

If you are wondering how to lose ten pounds and need an easy way to lose 5 pounds a week you've come to the right place. Below I would outline 5 ways you could easily drop 10 pounds. Please remember that the amount of weight you lose and how quickly always depends on your current condition. I am assuming you are overweight and are not eating all that healthy. Someone that weighs 130 pounds will have a MUCH harder time losing ten pounds than someone who weighs 250.

How to Lose 10 Pounds
-How To Lose 10 Pounds-

  1. Eating Schedule: Most people in their effort to lose some quick weight cut down on their eating when in actually that is the worst thing you can do. Like most people you are probably eating 2 or even worse just 1 meal per day. This is a recipe for disaster. If you are eating like this, stop and increase it to 4 to 5 times per day. The reason why is because this will get your metabolism working again and burn more calories versus your body hoarding your calories as fat for energy.
  2. Drink ONLY Water: Yep that means get rid of anything else. Coffees, teas, cola, fruit drinks, even if they are diet. Drink only water for the duration of this.
  3. Use Smaller Plates & Eat Less: This may seem like a contradiction to rule 1 but what I mean is this, when you do eat your meals put your food on a smaller plate and only eat till you feel satisfied NOT when you feel full! You will need to eat slower to recognize this but over time it will get easier.
  4. Choosing A Diet: Here is the thing about choosing a diet, almost ANY diet can and does work for people. Its just a matter of sticking to it. Its the sticking to it part that doesn't work for most people. There are so many diets out there from the Atkins, Abs diet, South Beach, Idiot Proof diet, Ediets and more. Just pick the one that you feel most comfortable on that is VERY easy for you to do. Who cares if its the least effective of the bunch. Who cares if you can lose 50lbs with diet A and only 15 with diet B. If you actually stick with diet B then diet B is the winner. So find a diet you actually enjoy doing and can stick to
  5. Go Walking 3 Times A Week: This really just comes down to how bad you want to lose the weight and how fast. If you really want to then wake up 30 minutes early and go walking for a half hour. This alone will be responsible for you losing at least 10 pounds.
If you can follow these 5 rules for 2 weeks you will almost be guaranteed to lose 10 pounds. It is an easy way to lose 5 pounds a week. The best thing if you can afford it would be to hire a nutritionist or someone that can help you plan your diet perfectly and tell you EXACTLY what to eat.

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